Public Administration Department Student Association (HUMANISTIC)

Public Administration Department Student Association (HUMANISTIC)
HUMANISTIC is a Departmental Association that oversees two Study Program Associations, namely HIMADIKA and HMPIP. HUMANISTIC's role is to bring together Public Administration Department students to provide services and development in accordance with the science of Public Administration
Starting from an awareness of the importance of a forum that houses State Administration Students in their efforts to grow and develop their potential both in organization and in activities, on March 21, 1993 the State Administration Student Association (HIMAJUARA) was founded. However, in its journey there was a paradigm shift in administrative science, so that HIMAJUARA changed to the Public Administration Student Association on April 4, 2004. This institution is an executive institution at the department level within UB's LKM, FIA's LKM which coordinates with BEM, MPM, DPM, and other institutions both inside and outside the FIA.
HUMANISTIC is independent and has the goal of fostering academics who are creators and servants who breathe Pancasila. In the 2018 period, the HUMANISTIC management was led by Reva Kurniawan Bhaskara Putra as Chair of the Public Administration Student Association (HUMANISTIK).