Student Representative Council of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences
Students and Alumni

Legislative College in student life at FIA Universitas Brawijaya. There are 7 (seven) members, selected through the Faculty Election. In charge of formulating policies related to institutional FIA together with BEM.
DPM FIA UB is an institution incorporated in LKM FIA UB which has the functions of legislation, budget and supervision. DPM FIA UB has the role of bridging the interests of students to the dean, institutions, and fellow students which is manifested through aspirations, complaints, and clarity of information. DPM FIA UB has 3 (three) commissions that assist the main tasks and functions that are responsible to the public, namely Advocacy, Law and Institutions
Adaptive to the times, synergistically realize progress
- Realize good student governance as optimizing institutional roles and services for FIA UB students
- Optimizing the collection of aspirations in a solutive, informative, and communicative manner through digitalization
- Adaptive in making legal products oriented to the needs of FIA UB students
- Increasing harmonization between institutions and the entire academic community of FIA UB in order to create a progressive climate of collaboration