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History of Faculty of Administrative Sciences


History of Faculty of Administrative Sciences 

The history of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) cannot be separated from the history of Brawijaya University (UB), because it is under its auspices. Brawijaya University, which is located in Malang City, East Java, was established on January 5, 1963 with the Decree of the Minister of PTPIP RI Number: 1 of 1963, then confirmed by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 196 of 1963 dated September 23, 1963.

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, began with the opening of the Faculty of Business Administration (FAN) which was founded on September 15, 1960. The leader of FAN at that time was Drs. Soejekti Djajadiatma as Dekan and Drs. Suparni Pamudji as Secretary. Both are lecturers at the Academy of Domestic Administration (APDN) Malang. On July 11, 1961, Universitas Brawijaya already had four faculties:

  • Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge (FPHM)
  • Faculty of Economics (FE)
  • Faculty of Business Administration (FAN)
  • Faculty of Agriculture (FP)

In the pre-independence era, it can be said that there was Administrative Science in Indonesia. 1951 to 1955 was the placement of the first stone for Administrative Science in Indonesia. This period was the first basis for the development of Administrative Science in Indonesia, due to the need for improvements in the field of State Administration implementation.

Along with that, there is a change in orientation from a continental legalistic nature towards a practical and pragmatic nature of America in reviewing the State Administration process. This administrative aspect is not only limited to legal knowledge, Administrative Science itself has an influence on Legal Studies, especially State Administration Law.

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In early 1954, there were already efforts to establish a Faculty of Public Administration and Business at the University of Indonesia, but because there was no consensus, it could not be implemented. However, much attention and discussion on this matter had been done. In that year, the University of Indonesia utilized two experts, namely, Edward H. Litchlield (Dean of the School of Public and Business Administration, Cornell University) and Alan C. Rakin, to provide recommendations and reports on Administration education in Indonesia.

Their report was submitted in May 1954 to Soepomo under the title "Training for Administration in Indonesia." The report contains information about Administration and most importantly a way of reviewing the Administrative process in accordance with the new Administrative Sciences. Besides that, concrete proposals are also included in the field of education for administrative staff in Indonesia, including the establishment of a Faculty of Administrative Sciences, foreign aid, an "Executive Development Program", an institution for "Administrative Sciences", and others.

A committee was formed to discuss the follow-up to the report, consisting of, among others, Hatta as chairman and H. Juanda, M. Hutasoit, Sumarman and others as members. Two things were more or less agreed upon, first, that the implementation program should be an Indonesian program and handled by the Indonesian people. Second, it was felt that there was a need to unite the Public and Business Administration lessons, it would be better to "try to make a separate Faculty".

In 1957 the Educational Institution that help the Administrative Science was the Faculty of Social Politics Universitas Gadjah Mada. This Faculty work together with the Ministry of Home Affairs to educate prospective Home Government Administrators. A foreign expert who once helped in teaching "Public Administration" was Garth N. Jones. In the same year, February 13th 1957, Minister of P & K, Sarino Mangoenpranoto, formed the "Planning Committee for the Formation of State Administration Institutions." As a result, on August 6th 1957, the Institute for State Administration (LAN) was established with its first director, Prajudi Atmosudirdjo.

In 1957, the State Administration and Trade Administration College was also opened as an extension of the Indonesian Faculty of Economics. Among the developments worth mentioning is the establishment of the Gadjah Mada University Administrative Development Center on April 19, 1960. Apart from that, in the period from 1957 to 1964, researches and writings on State Administration and Business Administration have developed rapidly.

Between 1960 and 1965, the Science of State Administration and the Science of Business Administration obtained legal recognition in Higher Education Law No. 22 of 1961 by incorporating the Faculty of State Administration and Business Administration into the Social Sciences.

In December 1961, a Conference on State Administration and Commerce was held. This deliberation is an important milestone in developing Administrative Science in Indonesia. The conclusion from the results of the deliberations is that the existence of the Administration science and Administration Department at the Faculty of Law, Economics, and Social Politics can be justified only as a transitional phase from Administration to maturity to become the Faculty of Administrative and Administrative Affairs. Another recommendation is that there should be cooperation/coordination between institutions that carry out educational and teaching institutions in the field of State Administration and Business Administration to speed up the process of implementing the establishment of the Faculty of State Administration and Business Administration.

At the close of 1963, several theories emerged suggesting that Administrative Sciences were increasingly focused on Development Administration. Since 1967, a more serious development strategy has been pursued, necessitating the significance of establishing proper ties with State Administration and Commercial Administration advancements. Development Administration serves the objective requirements of Indonesia's development process.

The Institute for State Administration hosted a conference entitled "The Role of Administration in Accelerating National Development" in 1971. Dr. Soejekti Djajadiatma MSPA (Dean of the University of Brawijaya's Faculty of State Administration and Trade Administration) spoke at the seminar. In addition, Dr. Buchari Zainun (Dean of STIA LAN) and Dr. Awaluddin Djamin, MPA, presented "Administrative Aspects in National Development."

In 1974, the Unbra Faculty of State Administration and Administration hosted a seminar titled "The Administration's Role in Supporting Village Modernization." The Symposium on Administrative Science was conducted from August 23 to August 31, 1974, with the topic "The Role of Science and Administrative Capability in the Development of Indonesia." One of the symposium's outcomes was the recommendation to rename the Faculty of Administrative and Administrative Affairs to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences. Because the name of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences is more pertinent to nurturing and advancing Administrative Sciences, a name change is being considered.

The Faculty of State Administration and Administrative Affairs at the University of Brawijaya has conducted an additional operational procedure to enhance Rural Administration in all East Java Regencies. State Administration (Public) and Business Administration also have scientific lectures and research.

In 1976, the State Administration Department's Regional Government Administration Specialization and the Business Administration Department's Accounting Specialization were established. Dr. Bintoro Tjokroamidjojo, MA (Deputy for Administration of BAPPENAS) was inaugurated as a Professor of State Administration on September 28, 1978. This episode illustrates the progress made by the Faculty of State Administration and Business Administration at Universitas Brawijaya and the government's growing confidence in the institution. Prof. Drs. Bintoro Tjokroamidjojo, MA, is influential in the emergence of Administrative Sciences teachers.

The Faculty of State Administration and Trade Affairs (FKK) changed its name to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences in 1982, based on the Consortium of Social Sciences (FlA). Along with the name change, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences has continued to flourish academically and institutionally throughout its history. Regarding institutional development, FIA UB has become a pioneer and is concurrently developing networks with other associations, such as ASPA, the Business Administration Science Association (AIABI), and the Indonesian Association of Public Administration (IAPA). Institutional growth through interaction with numerous associations has been ongoing for quite some time.

Regarding academic advancement, FIA UB has now adapted to scientific advances and practical needs. Since the 1960s, the Department of Public Administration (State) and the Department of Business Administration (Commerce) has grown. The Master of Business Administration (Commerce) Program and Bachelor/S1 Extension Program was established in 1995. The Extension Program has evolved into a Non-Regular Program up until this point. The Interdisciplinary Master's Program (MIA) was established in 1998.

Since 2001, the faculty has offered a Doctoral Program in Administrative Sciences to meet societal and governmental demands for techno-structural roles requiring varying degrees of expertise (PDIA). This program is meant to foster the most excellent public administration and business administration expertise.

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