Master of Business Administration Study Program
The Master of Business Administration refers to the basic application of theory in the business world (real business practices) and a variety of research results for solving business problems and scientific development of business administration in the area of Tatapamongan (governance), entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship), and management (administrative process).
Get to know and know more about various interesting things from the Master of Business Administration Study Program such as Academic Guidelines, Organizational Structure, Vision & Mission, to achievements via the page link below!
Obtaining Accreditation (A) BAN PT. in taxation study program, creating a learning process in FIA UB upholding the values of diversity, equality, religiosity, tolerance, and instilling the importance of preserving the environment.
Work prospect
Completion of the Master of Business Administration Program is designed to prepare graduates to occupy middle executive positions in business organizations as well as to become:
- Entrepreneur
- Educators, and Researchers in the field of Administrative Sciences.