Founded and continuously developing since 1963, the Business Administration Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya is firmly committed to becoming a center for developing Business Administration which is used as a national reference and is known by the ASEAN Community.
The Business Administration Study Program creates graduates with competency expertise in formulating, analyzing, and designing solutions related to all problems in the business world.
Get to know more about history, vision & mission, and various achievements of the Business Administration Study Program via the link below!
Obtaining Accreditation (A) BAN PT. as well as AASBI International Accreditation in business administration study program, creating a learning process at FIA UB upholding the values of diversity, equality, religiosity, tolerance, and instilling the importance of preserving the environment.
Work prospect
Graduates of the Business Administration Study Program have broad work prospects. Starting from a variety of jobs such as:
- Business consultant
- Marketing
- Company Manager
- Business Administration Staff