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Purpose and Strategic of Faculty Of Administrative Sciences


Purpose and Strategic of Faculty Of Administrative Sciences


  1. The realization of good quality and Internationally Reputable Administrative Science Education
  2. The realization of good quality, High-Performing, and Providing Public Benefit research
  3. The Realization of a Dynamic and Adaptive Faculty Governance System and the Realization of Optimal Digitalization services


  1. Target / Goal 1 (Purpose of Point 1):

    The achievement of Innovative Learning Based on Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Freedom to Learn Independent Campus (MBKM)
    The achievement of Superior and Competent Students and Alumni

  2. Target / Goal 2 (Purpose of Point 2):

    Improving the Quality and Dissemination of Research Results and Community Service;
    The realization of Collaboration that Impacts the Community

  3. Target / Goal 3 (Purpose of Point 3):

    Professional and Competent Academic staff Community;
    National and International Standardized Infrastructure and Facilities;
    Effective and Dynamic Organizational Governance Based on Integrated Information Technology Systems.

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