Organizational structure
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- Organizational Structure and Work Unit
Organizational Structure and Work Units
Dean and Vice Deans
No | Name | Position | LHKPN |
1 | Prof. Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D. | Dean | View |
2 | Arik Prasetya, S.Sos, M.Sc., Ph.D. | Vice Dean for Academic Affairs | View |
3 | Dr. Muhammad Faisal Riza, S.Sos, M.Si. | Vice Dean for General, Financial and Resources Affairs | View |
4 | Dr. Mochammad Rozikin, M.AP. | Vice Dean for Student, Alumni and Entrepreneurial Affairs | View |
Head and Secretary of the Department
No | Name | Position |
1 | Dr. Fadillah Amin, M.AP, Ph.D. | Head of Public Administration Department |
2 | Wike, S.Sos., M.Si, DPA. | Secretary of Public Administration Department |
3 | Dr. Nur Imamah, S.AB., M.AB., Ph.D. | Head of Business Administration Department |
4 | Dr. Ari Darmawan, S.AB., M.AB. | Secretary of Business Administration Department |
5 | Dr. Imam Hanafi, M.Si, MS. | Head of Department of Doctoral Program in Administrative Sciences |
6 | Dr. Gunawan Eko Nurtjahjono, S.Sos, M.Si. | Secretary of the Department of Doctoral Program in Administrative Sciences |
Head and Secretary of the Study Program
No | Name | Position |
1 | Dr. Niken Lastiti VA, SAP, MAP. | Head of Sarjana's Program in Public Administration |
2 | Ali Maskur, S.AP., M.AP., MA. | Secretary of Sarjana's Program in Public Administration |
3 | Dr. Farida Nurani, S.Sos, M.Sc. | Head of Sarjana's Program in Library Science |
4 | Endry Putra, SIKom., MIKom. | Secretary of Sarjana's Program in Library Science |
5 | Dr. Ainul Hayat, S.Pd., M.Si. | Head of Sarjana's Program in Educational Administration |
6 | Dr. Abd. Qadir Muslim, S.Pd., M.Pd. | Secretary of Sarjana's Program in Educational Administration |
7 | Prof. Dr. Drs. Muhammad Saifi, M.Si. | Head of Sarjana's Program in Business Administration |
8 | Langgeng Setyono, SAB., MAB. | Secretary of Sarjana's Program in Business Administration |
9 | Dr. | Head of Sarjana's Program in Taxation |
10 | Dewi Noor Fatikhah Rokhimakhumullah, SE., MSA., Ak. | Secretary of Sarjana's Program in Taxation |
11 | Dr. Drs. Edy Yulianto, MP. | Head of Sarjana's Program in Tourism |
12 | Drs. Wiyata, M.AB., Ph.D. | Secretary of Sarjana's Program in Tourism |
13 | Dr. Alfi Haris Wanto, SAP., M.AP., MMG. | Head of Master's Program in Public Administration |
14 | Akhmad Amiruddin, S.AP., M.AP., Ph.D. | Secretary of Master's Program in Public Administration |
15 | Dr. Bambang Santoso Haryono, MS. | Head of Master's Program in Higher Educational Management |
16 | Dr. Mukhlis, SIP., M.IP. | Secretary of Master's Program in Higher Educational Management |
17 | Prof. Dr. Andriani Kusumawati, S.Sos., M.Si, DBA. | Head of Master's Program in Business Administration |
19 | Private Priambada., S.Sos., MAB., Ph.D. | Secretary of Master's Program in Business Administration |
18 | Prof. Dr. Sumartono, MS. | Head of Malang Administrative Science Doctoral Study Program |
20 | Agung Nugroho Luthfi Imam Fahrudi, SAB, M.Bus.Sys.Pro., Ph.D. | Secretary of the Malang Administrative Science Doctoral Study Program |
21 | Prof. Dr. Mochammad Al Musadieq, MBA. | Head of the Jakarta Campus Administration Doctoral Study Program |
22 | Dr. Hermawan, S.IP, M.Sc. | Secretary of the Jakarta Campus Administration Doctoral Study Program |
Quality Assurance Group
No | Name | Position |
1 | Prof. Dr. Hamidah Nayati Utami, S.Sos M.Sc. | Head of Quality Assurance Group |
2 | Edlyn Khurotul Aini, S.AB., M.AB., M.BA | Secretary of Quality Assurance Group |
Lestari Eko Wahyudi, S.AP., M.AP | Member of Quality Assurance Group | |
6 | Asti Amelia Novita, SAP, MAP, Ph.D | Head of the Quality Assurance Unit for the Department of Public Administration |
7 | Rendra Eko Wismanu, S.AP., M.AP | Secretary of the Quality Assurance Unit for the Department of Public Administration |
12 | M. Cahyo Widyo Sulistyo, SE, MBA | Head of the Quality Assurance Unit for the Department of Business Administration |
13 | Priandhita Sukowidyanti Asmoro, SE., MSA, Ak | Secretary of the Quality Assurance Unit for the Department of Business Administration |
Research Agency, Community Service and Study Group (BPPM)
No | Name | Position |
1 | Dr. Suryadi, MS. | Head of BBPM |
2 | Latifah Hanum, SE., MSA.Ak. | Secretary of BPPM |
3 | Erlita Cahyasari, S.AP., M.AP. | Head of Research |
4 | Damas Dwi Anggoro, SAB, MA. | Head of Community Service Division |
5 | Lucy Deasyana Rahma Devita, SAB., MAB. | Head of Business Development Studies |
6 | Dr. Wilopo, M. AB. | Head of the Conflict and Policy Research Group |
7 | Fadilah Putra, S.Sos., M.Si., MPAFF., Ph.D. | Head of Public Sector Strategy and Performance Review |
8 | Dr. Irwan Noor, MA. | Head of Apparatus Resources Education and Training Study |
9 | Rendra Eko Wismanu, S.AP., M.AP. | Head of Cooperation Division |
Center of Information System and Public Relations
No | Name | Position |
1 | Prof. Dr. Saiful Rahman Yuniarto, S.Sos. M.AB. | Chairman of the Center for Information Systems and Public Relations |
3 | Aulia Luqman Aziz, SS, S.Pd., M.Pd. | Public Relations Coordinator |
4 | Onni Meirezaldi, S.Sos., MM. | Coordinator for Performance Data and Information Systems |
5 | Safarudin Hisyam Tualeka, S.Tr.Kom, MBA. | IT Infrastructure and Communications Coordinator |
Journal Publishing Agency
No | Name | Position |
1 | Dr. Sujarwoto, S.IP., M.Sc., M.PA. | Chairman of the Journal Management Board |
2 | Mochamad Chazienul Ulum, S.Sos., MAP. | Secretary of the Journal Management Board |
3 | Detha Alfrian Fajri, SAB, MM. | Member |
4 | Nurlita Sukma Alfandia, SE, MA. | Member |
International Relations Office
No | Name | Position |
1 | Cacik Rut Damayanti S.Sos., M.Prof.Acc., DBA. | Chairman |
Faculty Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Agency
No | Name | Position |
1 | Prof. Dr. Hamidah Nayati Utami, S. Sos. M.Sc. | Chairman |
Drs. Sukanto, MS. | Secretary |
Faculty Social Affairs Agency
No | Name | Position |
1 | Yusri Abdillah, S.Sos., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Chairman |
2 | Drs. Dwi Sulistyo, MPA. | Secretary |
Brawijaya International School of Administrative Science
No | Name | Position |
1 | Dr. Tri Yumarni, SlP, M.Si. | Chairman |
Integrated Services Unit for Sexual Violence and Bullying
No | Name | Position |
1 | Dr. Riyanto, M. Hum. | Chairman |
2 | Nova Erlyasari, SE, M.Si. | Secretary |
Student Counseling Guidance Unit
No | Name | Position |
1 | Dr. Sunarti, S.Sos., M.AB. | Chairman |
2 | Drs. Dahlan Fanani, M.AB. | Secretary |
Career Center Unit
No | Name | Position |
1 | Rispa Ngindana, S.AP., M.AP. | Chairman |
No | Name | Position |
1 | Dr. Dra. Maria Goretti Wi Endang NP., M.Sc | Head of Accounting & Finance Laboratory |
2 | Taufik Akbar Al Fajri, SS., S.Pd., M.Pd | Head of the Language Laboratory |
3 | Dr. Saparila Worokinasih, S. Sos, M. Si | Head of Investment Gallery Laboratory |
4 | Prof. Dr. Drs. Abdullah Said, M.Sc | Head of Public Policy & Development Planning Laboratory (LKP3) |
5 | Dr. Ika Ruhana, S.Sos, M.Si | Head of the Leadership Laboratory |
6 | Dr. Drs. Heru Susilo, MA | Head of Entrepreneurship & Innovation Laboratory |
7 | Edriana Pangestuti, SE., M.Si., DBA | Head of the Tourism Laboratory |
8 | Dr. Sarwono, M.Sc | Head of Library & Archive Laboratory |
9 | Dr. Ike Wanusmawatie, S. Sos, MAP | Head of the Politics & Governance Laboratory (LPTP) |
10 | Dr. Drs. Riyadi, M.Sc | Head of Management Information Systems Laboratory |
11 | Dr. Dra. Zahroh, M.Sc | Head of the Tax Center Laboratory |
12 | I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu, SAP, MAP, Ph.D | Head of the Educational Administration Technology Laboratory |
13 | Dr. Chairul Saleh, MS | Head of the Laboratory Unit. Organizational Development & Public Service Management (LPOMPP) |
No | Name | Position |
1 | Fifin Ramadiyani, S. Sos. | Head of administration |
2 | Wempi Naviera, SAB., MAB. | Head of Academic, Student Affairs, Alumni, Cooperation, and Student Entrepreneurship Subdivision |
3 | Agung Suprianto, SAB, MAP. | Head of Finance and Personnel Subdivision |
4 | – | Head of General and Assets Subdivision |