Library Science Study Program Student Association (HMPIP)

Library Science Study Program Student Association (HMPIP)
The Library Science Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, Malang, which was born in 2011, officially received a Study Program Decree from the Director General of Higher Education in mid-October 2014. In connection with the decline of the decree, students of this study program are trying to establish a Study Program Student Association (HMP). Which aims to be a network of student aspirations and education. Through the Committee for the Formation of the Library Science Association (PPHIP) which was coordinated by M. Andika Rizqi Fauzi, Library Science Study Program students began to carry out the stages lobbying to the Student Sovereignty Institute (LKM) FIA and the dean. Officially on December 22 2014, all approvals for the formation of the association were obtained from various parties.
As a follow-up to the formation of the association, Library Science Study Program students held a Library Science Student Major Conference. These activities discussed and ratified the Statutes and Bylaws, formulated the Mid-Term Program Plan and the Short-Term Program Plan (RPJM-RPJP), determined the name and logo of the association, and elected the general chairman of the association. This big meeting was held on 10-11 January 2015 at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya. On the same day, the name of the association was officially established, namely HMPIP, which stands for Library Science Study Program Student Association.