Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Ditulis pada 20 July 2012 , oleh nurjati widodo , pada kategori Kegiatan


Faculty of Administration , in collaboration with UB and IAPA ASPA Indonesia ( Indonesian Association for Public Administration ) has organized the International Seminar and National Seminar on the theme of ” innovative governance ” on 12 to 14 June 2012, at the 4th floor of Building A of Administrative Sciences Brawijaya Malang .

This activity is a continuation of the State Administration of IV Conference which was held on 7-8 July 2011 at the University Hassanudin Napier . Through a series of seminars and IAPA ‘s annual congress , speakers , lecturers , researchers , students and other parties to meet and exchange ideas to discuss the challenges faced by public administration in the future . The entire series of the International Seminar and Conference on Public Administration ( NAC V ) was held for three days , consisting of international seminars , annual conferences (annual conference) and IAPA city tour on the last day .

This international seminar was officially opened by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia , Prof. Dr. . Boediono , M.Ec , and presents three speakers from overseas and two national speakers who presented materials related to ” innovative governance ” . The foreign speakers include Prof . Masahiro Horie , MPA from GRIPS Japan , Prof. . Dr. . M. Samson Haque , Ph.D. from NUS Singapore , and Prof. . Samrit Yossomsakdi , Ph.D from Burapha University of Thailand . While domestic speakers include former Governor of Gorontalo and former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Dr . Ir . Fadel Muhammad , and the Deputy Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform Prof . Dr. . Eko Prasojo , Mag.rer.Publ . In addition to Vice President Boediono , the other invited guests were present , among others, Prof. . Dr. . Gina Kartasasmita , Deputy Governor of East Java, Saifullah Yusuf , chairman of IAPA Prof. Center . Dr. . Asep Kartiwa , Regional Commander Brawijaya V , and East Java police chief .

The entire session in an international seminar using the English language . In a series of seminars , attendees are invited to actively participate in filling the spaces of discussion through the presentation of papers for prospective speakers who pass the selection .


In the whole series of events ASPA Indonesia International Seminar and IAPA Annual Conference 2012, involving two guest speakers and five core international seminar speaker. Here is a list of guest speakers and international seminars keynote speaker, along with the download link of the material presented:

Guest Speakers:

Prof. Dr. Boediono, M.Ec  (Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia and Professor of UGM) Speech

Drs. Saifullah Yusuf  (Deputy Governor of East Java and the former Minister of Rural Development) Speech


Prof. Dr. Masahiro Horie, MPA  (Professor of Public Administration GRIPS, Former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication, and Cabinet Councilor in Charge of Administrative Reform in the Government of Japan) Materi

Dr. Ir. Fadel Muhammad  (Chairman of ASPA Indonesia, Former Governor of Gorontalo and Former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia) materi 1, materi 2

Prof. Dr. M. Samsul Haque, Ph.D  (Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Science National University of Singapore and Deputy Editor in International Review of Administrative Sciences) Materi

Prof. Dr. Eko Prasojo, Mag.rer.Publ  (Deputy Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform, Professor of the University of Indonesia, Indonesian Vice Chairman and Chairman of ASPA IAPA Board of Experts) Materi 

Prof. Samrit Yossomsakdi, Ph.D  (Professor of public policy and the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Science Burapha University, Thailand) Speech

IAPA Annual Conference is presented in a forum session of the commission, with the presentation that distinguished between international seminar format in the English language and a national seminar format using Indonesian. Each of these formats (international and national) is divided into 5 themes, among others: Ideology and Leadership; Policy and Management; Social Welfare; Public Service and Utilities; Community, Sustainable and Clean Development.

Here is a download link of Proceedings (Abstract) presented in the presentation:

  1. Proceedings of the International Seminar, download
  2. Proceedings of the National Seminar, download

E-book Proceedings (Full Paper) result ASPA International Seminar And IAPA Annual Conference 2012:

  1. Innovative Governance
  2. Community, Sustainable and Clean Development
  3. Ideology and Leadership
  4. Peran Pemerintah Daerah dalam Pembangunan Indonesia
  5. Public Management
  6. Public Policy
  7. Public Service and Utilities
  8. Social Welfare