Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Ditulis pada 30 May 2016 , oleh labegov

The program specification of PASP have clearly detailed of courses and modules to achieve the learning outcomes. The summary of program specification in the academic year 2015/2016 contains the following information:

Table. Summary of the Program Specification

1. Awarding Institution Universitas Brawijaya (UB)
2. Teaching Institution Universitas Brawijaya (UB)
3. Year of Establishment 1961
4. Faculty/Department Faculty of Administrative Science (FAS)

Public Administration Study Program (PASP)

5. Program Title Public Administration Study Program (PASP)
6. Name of Final Award SarjanaAdministrasiPublik/SAP
7. Field of Science Public Administration
8. External Accreditation Body BAN-PT (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi/National Accreditation Board for Higher Education)
9. Accreditation Status “A” Degree, valid until January 31st, 2020 (See Appendix 10 (Accredited Sertificate))
10. Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 (appendix 10)
11. Educational aims-objective of program 1.     to produce qualified graduates with the ability to make appropriate solution for many public administration problems,

2.     to produce graduates of administrative science and technology, in development, governance, and public policy,

3.     to produce qualified graduates to develop public administration studies.

13. Expected learning outcomes Refer to Criterion 2.1.1.
14. Teaching and learning strategy Refer to Criterion 2.4.
15. Student Assessment Refer to Criterion 2.5.
16. Among qualification differentiator


If high school graduates is more focused on the mastery of basic science, the scholar knowledge knows more about the more comprehensive in the field of public administration, while the master has a more specific understanding of and critical of the science in the field of public administration.
17. Responsible for conducting the assessment- Beside BAN PT Beside BAN-PT, assessment is done internally through the implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System (Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal/SPMI) with responsibility for assessment at the Quality Assurance Center (Pusat Jaminan Mutu/PJM) for the university level, the Cluster for Quality Assurance (Gugus Jaminan Mutu/GJM) for the Faculty level, and Quality Assurance Unit (Unit JaminanMutu/UJM) for the Department level. Assessment instrument of SPMA is performed with the implementation Internal Quality Audit (Audit Internal Mutu/AIM)
18. Prerequisite qualifications degree Those who are eligible to enter into the study programs is the ones who are qualified graduates of senior high school (SMU/SMK/SMA) with the ability to pass (qualify) the admission test with schemes (1) High Achieving Student Lane (PenjaringanSiswaBerprestasi/PSB), (2) National Selection on State University scheme (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/SNMPTN), (3) Interest and Skill scheme (Seleksi Program Minat dan Kemampuan/SPMK), (4) Selection of School Partnership Program, (5) Selection of Institution Partnership Program, (6) International Student Admission, (7) Selection Transfer Program (Seleksi Alih Program/SAP)
19. The achievement process of levels qualification Students are acknowledged to have scholar qualification if they have taken all lectureswith the total of 147 credits study load, conducting internships and thesis finishing a thesis that tested through Thesis Examination with a GPA of at least 2.00 with no grades E and has a certificate of TOEIC at least 500 and IC3 certificate programs mastery 2 computer applications. Graduates level qualification is divided into three categories namely: cumlaude, very satisfying, and satisfying.
20. Time for achieve the qualification Students achieve qualifications in the fastest period of study is 7 semesters with a total of at least 147 credits and achievement do not exceed the maximum study period, which is, 5 years (10 semesters).
21. Available Language Indonesian, English
22. Contact Jl. MT. Haryono No. 163 Malang

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