Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Ditulis pada 30 May 2016 , oleh labegov

Table. GPA of Public Administration Study Program GPA

Academic Years The Number of Graduates


Regular Students’ GPA Regular Students’ GPA Percentage
Regular Student Transfer Min Ave Max < 2,75 2,75-3,50 > 3,50
2011-2011 257 0 2,89 3,26 3,75 0% 81,5% 18,5%
2011-2012 167 0 2,84 3,26 3,69 0% 82,5% 17,5%
2012-2013 220 0 2,80 3,31 3,82 0% 80,8% 19,2%
2013-2014 420 0 2,90 3,27 3,81 0% 69,4% 30,6%
2014-2015 431 0 2,81 3,42 3,89 0% 58,5% 41,5%