Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya

Kategori : Kegiatan

Journal of Public Administration (JAP) will hold the “Journal Writing Workshop for Students Tier-1 Department of Public Administration”, which will be held two (2) times ie on 12 & 13 November 2013. This activity is restricted membership, which is only 200 participants will be divided 100 participants for the first day (November 12, 2013) and […]

Diterbitkan pada11.10.2013 | Selengkapnya

Department of Public Administration , Faculty of Administration , UB held a public lecture on Friday, February 22, 2013 , at the 2nd floor of building B . The college invited Dr . Ir . Fadel Muhammad as the main speaker . Participants of this lecture is that students take courses Government , Business and […]

Diterbitkan pada23.02.2013 | Selengkapnya

Faculty of Administration , in collaboration with UB and IAPA ASPA Indonesia ( Indonesian Association for Public Administration ) has organized the International Seminar and National Seminar on the theme of ” innovative governance ” on 12 to 14 June 2012, at the 4th floor of Building A of Administrative Sciences Brawijaya Malang . This […]

Diterbitkan pada20.07.2012 | Selengkapnya