Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Ditulis pada 30 May 2016 , oleh labegov

Thus students are encouraged to be actively involved in subject matter and developed critical thinking skills. Teaching and learning strategy that applied in PASP in teaching and learning process are:

  1. Resume Group
    1. Students exchange their ideas and knowledge
    2. Students summarize and find the main ideas.
    3. Students conclude the essence of the subject together
  2. Snow-ball Throwing
  3. Students think individually
  4. Students share and discuss their ideas with other students
  5. Students conclude the lesson and make group presentation
  6. Jigsaw learning
  7. Students make a resume in a group
  8. Students explain the result of their resume to the rest of the class
  9. Students conduct question and answer

The whole strategies are attempts to develop students’ cognitive abilities, so that they are able to be a reliable administrator.

RPS that developed from problem based learning is clearly used as a reference for lecturers to carry out the process of teaching and learning. There is also International Guest Lecture to support that learning process (Appendix 18)