Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Ditulis pada 17 July 2013 , oleh nurjati widodo

The Organization Structure of PASP, Public Administration Department, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Brawijaya can be seen in this chart below:

Struktur Organisasi FIA 471 2014 En

Study Program is an organizer of higher education program which is organized on the basis of a curriculum. Study Program is led by a chairman who is under and directly responsible to the Head of Department, and in carrying out his/her duties assisted by a secretary.

The study program has tasks to plan, implement, develop, and evaluate the activities of Tri Dharma of higher education To carry out these tasks, the study program has a function:

  1. To coordinate educational activities on PASP;
  2. To Formulate the quality standards in PASP;
  3. To Evaluate of the implementation of the activities PASP;
  4. To Asses and clarify students’ thesis and the scientific work  who might qualify as a scientific reference sources; and
  5. To Prepare and submit annual activity report head of department.

Struktur Organisasi PASP

1) Head of PASP

Head of PASP have several duties such as:

  1. To coordinate  educational activities on the PASP;
  2. To perform the need of lecturers, select, coach and develop them;
  3. To evaluate lecturers’ performance and propose their promotion;
  4. To plan the capacity and qualifications of prospective students;
  5. To Plan the need of learning facilities;
  6. To Conduct academic requirements planning budget implementation;
  7. To Plan the needs of the reference collection / Bibliographies;
  8. To formulate and evaluate the qualification and competence of graduates;
  9. To formulate the standard quality of undergraduate education program and also evaluation and curriculum development;
  10. To Plan, implement, monitor and evaluate the teaching and learning process;
  11. To implement research, and community service;
  12. To develop Program Studi of Public Administration;
  13. To develop partnerships and networks; and
  14. To Prepare and submit  annual activity report to the Head of Department.

2) Secretary of PASP

Secretary of PASP has the task to assist the Head of PASP in carrying out his/her academic task, research, service to the community. To carry out these tasks, the Secretary Studies Program has the task details as follows;

  1. To implement administrative and secretarial activities of PASP;
  2. To coordinate the preparation and development of PASP’s curriculum;
  3. To Coordinate the activities of the learning process together with the Department and other Lecturers;
  4. To make a Schedule in PASP;
  5. To coordinate laboratory activities in PASP;
  6. To Coordinate the activities of the students’ Job Training and Field Work Experience ;
  7. To Compile a database of academic student in the Program; and
  8. To Develop a database of educational activities, research and community service in PASP.