Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Ditulis pada 17 July 2013 , oleh nurjati widodo

Profile of Public Administration Program

To produce high quality sarjana of public administration who able to compete in global competition.



  1. To improve the implementation of Tri Dharma of higher education, both education , research, and community service become more qualified in order to respond to the needs of national and international markets;
  2. To develop both national and international relationship in the field of public administration
  3. To obtain A accreditation from both national and international that basis on the implementation of ISO 9001:2008


  1. To produce professional and dedicated Sarjana of Public Administration who sensitive to the problems of public administration
  2. To produce Sarjana of Public Administration who mastering Administration Science and Technology , both in the field of Development Administration, Local Government and  Libraries Administration; and
  3. To Produce competent Sarjana in Public Administration  who able to foster and develop science of public administration.



Public Administration Program has 3 (three) laboratories, they are:

  1. Laboratories of Policy and Development planning;
  2. Laboratories of Politic and Governance
  3. Laboratories of Organization Development and Public Management