Profile of Public Administration Program
To produce high quality sarjana of public administration who able to compete in global competition.
- To improve the implementation of Tri Dharma of higher education, both education , research, and community service become more qualified in order to respond to the needs of national and international markets;
- To develop both national and international relationship in the field of public administration
- To obtain A accreditation from both national and international that basis on the implementation of ISO 9001:2008
- To produce professional and dedicated Sarjana of Public Administration who sensitive to the problems of public administration
- To produce Sarjana of Public Administration who mastering Administration Science and Technology , both in the field of Development Administration, Local Government and Libraries Administration; and
- To Produce competent Sarjana in Public Administration who able to foster and develop science of public administration.
Public Administration Program has 3 (three) laboratories, they are:
- Laboratories of Policy and Development planning;
- Laboratories of Politic and Governance
- Laboratories of Organization Development and Public Management