Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Ditulis pada 2 June 2016 , oleh nurjati widodo , pada kategori Berita

In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of  new student activities, in 2016 Faculty of Administrative Science (FAS) develop activities that was called as Campus Life Introduction Program for New Students (PKK-MABA program). The new program called Student Development Activity Ethics and Concept of Nationalism, the implementation is based on the Decree of Dean Number 147 of 2016 about the Implementation of the Student Ethics and Insight Development National Graduate Program, Academic Year 2016/2017 Faculty of Administrative Science.

The main objective of this activity is to introduce and to provide insight to new students about the education system, teaching and ethics of student in FAS. While the specific purpose of the development of this program from the previous concept is to anticipate failures of students to pass this activity like students in previous years. As we know that  there are approximately 700 active students who have not been passed the PKK-MABA for various reasons. With this new program, the expected implementation of the Student Ethics Development and the National Insights for each student will only be executed once and not to be repeated at a later date for any reason.

The target of the Student Ethics Development and Nationality are both junior and senior students who have not followed PKK MABA or have not  passed yet or have lost or damage their PKK MABA certificate. Along with Rector decree No. 9 of 2015 concerning the General Guidelines Implementation PKK-MABA year 2015/2016, it is for all students of undergraduate (S1) who have not followed / have not pass the Introduction of Campus Life  in the previous year (2011-2015), including the the certificate is lost or damaged, are required to follow the Student Ethics and Development Activity Concept of Nationalism. Dean decree related to those activities can be seen here
