Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Ditulis pada 1 June 2016 , oleh labegov

Supporting academic quality for employees in PASP has become a particular concern in order to provide support for academic employees in providing services for students, either academically or administratively. In implementing duties and liabilities, they are regulated by academic supporting staff ethic code (see Appendix 38) and ethic moral of civil servant (see Appendix 39). The available supports can be classified into two criteria:

  1. The employee support development program

Staff development programs conducted by PASP are by involving some employees in training and education periodically. For the development of administrative personnel, the education and training is carried out in the form of:

  1. Education and training of students journal management
  2. Education and training of archive management and library
  3. Education and training of office administration
  4. Education and training of web management department
  5. Education and training of personnel management information system
  6. Education and training of academic management information system
  7. Education and training of computer skills development
  8. Excellent service training.
  1. The number of supporting employees

To expedite the process of teaching and learning, the personnel support such as administrative staff, librarians and other supporting staff is really necessary to contributing in service students effectively. The total of supporting personnel is 172 people. The supporting staff field work types is divided into librarians, laboratory assistants/technicians, financial data processing, processing academic data, S1 and S2 processing journal, common parts and equipment, study center (Corruption Assessment, Administration Development, Management and Information Systems Development and Research Centre for Conflict and Policy (RCCP) as well as faculty and administrative staff. Librarian centralized at the university level work unit, while other supporting staffs managed the faculty unit.

Table. The Composition of Supporting Personnel in 2015

No Types of Supporting Staff The Number of People

According to Qualification

Unit Level
Above S2 S1 Diploma SMU/


1 Librarian 4 3 12 1 University
2 PKPMSI 2 1 Faculty
3 Language Laboratory 2 1 Faculty
4 Electronic Government Laboratory 1 Department
8 Computer Technician 1 2 Faculty
9 Financial Data Processing 1 3 1 2 Faculty
10 Academic Data Processing 1 7 2 4 Faculty
11 Journal of S1 processors 2 1 Department
12 Processing Reading Room 2 2 Faculty
13 Processing Research Center 8 4 Faculty
14 General and Equipment 1 12 55 Faculty
15 Staff Programs 3 Department
16 Administrative Staff 3 Department
17 HRD 2 Faculty
18 Student Affairs 1 2 Faculty
Total 32 36 18 68  

To improve employee productivity and enhance their ability to be able to adjust with the development era, it is conducted a series of training and development activities such as involving them in various courses, refresher courses, seminars, and continuing education to a higher level (S1 is financed by the Faculty or University), as has been described before in point one above.