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BPPM of Faculty of Administrative Sciences



The Agency for Research and Community Service, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, or BPPM FIA UB, is a faculty unit that works to improve the quality and quantity of research, community service, and faculty cooperation. As a part of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Universitas Brawijaya, BPPM reports directly to the Dean. Their task is stated in the Regulation of the Dean of FIA UB Number 422 of 2016 concerning Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Universitas Brawijaya.

BPPM Along with the formation of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences as a supporting unit for the execution of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, FIA UB was established as an educational institution with the vision and mission of realizing its vision and mission. Administration excellence and public recognition at home and abroad. Coordinating, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating research activities, community service, and FIA cooperation are BPPM's responsibilities. BPPM serves the following purposes:

1. Improving the quality and quantity of national and international research, scientific work, community service, and cooperation; 

 2. Preparation of plans, programs, and budgets for BPPM; 

 3. Implementation of research, community service, and collaboration with FIA; 

4. Coordinating the implementation of research activities, dedication to community, and cooperation;

5. Implementation of publication of research results, dedication to community, and cooperation;

 6. Implementation of research and community service cooperation with universities and other educational institutions domestically and internationally;

7. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of research activities, community service, and FIA cooperation;

 8. Periodic reporting to the Dean.

Jl. MT. Haryono, Ketawanggede, Kec. Lowokwaru, Malang City, East Java 65145
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