Quality Assurance Group of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (GJM FIA)

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences has provided website The Faculty of Administrative Sciences has provided a website that functions to provide information about all activities carried out by the Faculty, the Quality Assurance Unit (GJM/UJM), laboratories, as well as provide information about the development and dissemination of policies originating from universities and faculties. Policies and quality assurance products of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences can only be accessed by the UB academic community, however, there are some policies and quality assurance products that can only be accessed on a limited basis. The following is the address of the Faculty's website that provides information, dissemination of policies originating from universities, faculties and quality assurance units: website Faculties that provide information, dissemination of policies originating from universities, faculties and quality assurance units:
- https://fia.ub.ac.id/en/ (website Faculty of Administrative Sciences)
- https://fia.ub.ac.id/en/download/ (website Faculty of Administrative Science Download File)
- https://fia.ub.ac.id/en/jaminan-mutu/ (website Quality Assurance Faculty of Administrative Sciences)
Quality Assurance Policy:
- Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards. The National Education Standards are the minimum criteria about learning at the higher education level in universities in all jurisdictions of the State Unitary Republic of Indonesia. (https://peraturan.bpk.go.id/Home/Details/163703/permendikbud-no-3-tahun-2020)
- Regulation of the Chancellor of Brawijaya University Number 77 of 2022 concerning Internal Quality Assurance System Policies. Internal Quality Assurance System, hereinafter abbreviated as SPMI is a systemic activity of quality assurance of higher education by each tertiary institution autonomously to control and improve the delivery of higher education in a planned and sustainable manner. (https://lpm.ub.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Peraturan-Rektor-UB-Nomor-77-Tahun-2022-tentang-Kebijakan-SPMI.pdf)
- Regulation of the Chancellor of Brawijaya University Number 76 of 2022 concerning Risk-Based Quality Standards. The Risk Based Quality Standard is the standard for guaranteeing UB's quality with a risk approach so that the organization becomes proactive in taking preventive action to reduce unwanted impacts as well as encourage continuous improvement. (https://ub.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Pertor_76_2022_SMBR.pdf)
- Regulation of the Chancellor of Brawijaya University Number 71 of 2018 concerning the Internal Quality Assurance System Manual. The SPMI manual is a written document that contains practical instructions on how to determine, implement, evaluate, control and improve SPMI standards.
- FIA UB Quality Manual. FIA UB Quality Manual is a written document that contains practical instructions on how to determine, implement, evaluate, control and improvement of SPMI standards implemented in the Faculty.
- FIA UB Management Review Report. Management Review is a process of review, evaluation, and assessment by management at planned intervals to ensure suitability, adequacy, and the effectiveness of quality management runs consistently.