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Student Organization of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences

Students and Alumni

Student Organization

Student Affairs Institutions have the potential to develop students' interests & talents as well as the quality of soft skills in becoming the best human resources in the world of work.

Through the Student Organization, organizational traits, leadership, responsibility, discipline, creativity and innovation will be formed in solving problems in society.

Let's get to know and know various information related to various Student Organizations at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya!

student Consultative Assembly

The highest forum in student life at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences. Daily executors are held by 3 (three) students as presidiums selected by students in the MUMF forum. In charge of formulating the Organizational Work Direction Outlines (GBHKO) for the Student Executive Board (BEM).

Student Executive Body (BEM)

Executive higher institutions in student life at the faculty level. The General Chairperson is called the President, elected by faculty students through the Faculty's Pemilwa (Student General Election). In charge of carrying out the GBHKO that has been determined by MUMF as the direction of the organization's work for 1 (one) year.

Student Representative Council (DPM)

Higher Legislative institution in student life at FIA Universitas Brawijaya. There are 7 (seven) members, selected through the Faculty Election. In charge of formulating policies related to institutional FIA together with BEM.

Student Sovereignty Institute (LKM)

HMJ is an Executive Institution in student life at the department/program level. There are 3 HMJ according to the departments in FIA UB.

Faculty Autonomous Institute (LOF)

Elements of implementing extracurricular activities at the faculty level. Engaged in exploring and developing interests and talents.

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