Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya

Arsip : July 2016

I SEMESTER GANJIL TANGGAL 1. Daftar Ulang Mahasiswa Baru : a.    SNMPTN b.    SBMPTN c.     SPMK   16 – 30 Mei 2016 30 Juni – 11 Juli 2016 2 – 8 Agustus 2016 2. Daftar Ulang  Administrasi (pembayaran SPP online) bagi mahasiswa lama 17- 27 Agustus 2016 3. Daftar Ulang Akademik (pengisian KRS) mahasiswa lama […]

Diterbitkan pada 15.07.2016 | Selengkapnya

The final examination schedule for S1 degree of Public Administration in odd semester 2015/2016 can be seen in this link: Jadwal Ujian Akhir Semester Genap 2015 Seluruh Prodi Program Sarjana (S1) The rules in final examination can be seen  here.

Diterbitkan pada 03.06.2016 | Selengkapnya

In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of  new student activities, in 2016 Faculty of Administrative Science (FAS) develop activities that was called as Campus Life Introduction Program for New Students (PKK-MABA program). The new program called Student Development Activity Ethics and Concept of Nationalism, the implementation is based on the Decree of Dean […]

Diterbitkan pada 02.06.2016 | Selengkapnya

ANNOUNCEMENT Attention to all S1 students of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science related with the implementation of seminar that will be held on Date : Wednesday, 20 April 2016 Time : 09.00 WIB Place : Hall in IV floor of A Building  Keynote Speaker : Dr. Otto Nur Abdullah (Commission on Human Rights of Republic […]

Diterbitkan pada 19.04.2016 | Selengkapnya

Announcement No: 4666/UN10.3/AK/2016 To all students of FAS UB it is announced that Judicium of Sarjana, Master and Doctor will be held on: Day: Friday Date: April 22nd 2016 Time: 08.30 WIB Place: Hall in IV floor of A buildingDemikian agar menjadikan perhatian. Thank you for your time, Head of Academik FAS UB   Source:

Diterbitkan pada 25.03.2016 | Selengkapnya