Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Ditulis pada 19 April 2016 , oleh nurjati widodo , pada kategori Pengumuman


Attention to all S1 students of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science related with the implementation of seminar that will be held on

Date : Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Time : 09.00 WIB
Place : Hall in IV floor of A Building 
Keynote Speaker : Dr. Otto Nur Abdullah (Commission on Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia)
Theme : Public Service in Human Rights Perspective

To all students who join this course:

  1. Class B of Management of School and Higher Education B (Lecturer: Dr. Choirul Saleh, M.Si)
  2. Class E of Culture and Social system (Lecturer: Niken Lastiti, VA, SAP, MAP)
  3. Class A of Global Governance (Lecturer: Dr. Fadillah Amin, MAP, P.hD)
  4. Class A of Development planning Kelas A (Lecturer: Dr. M. Rozikin, MAP)
  5. Class J of Capita Selecta of Entrepreneurship  (Lecturer: Nana Abdul Aziz, SAP, MAP

Must Attend the seminar, your attendance will be counted as a class session

Thus this announcement is made.

Head of Public Administration




Dr. Lely Indah Mindarti, M.Si
NIP 196905242002122002

