Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Ditulis pada 30 May 2016 , oleh labegov

Final grades weight is given to all of the lectures in the semester and the results are converted into numbers following by letter:

Table. The Results of Final Grades

Score in numbers Letters of quality Numbers of quality Capability classes
>80-100 A 4 Very good
>75-80 B+ 3,5 Between very good and good
>69-75 B 3 Good
>60-69 C+ 2,5 Between good and fair
>55-60 C 2 Fair
>50-55 D+ 1,5 Between fair and Poor
>44-50 D 1 Poor
0-44 E 0 Fail

Based on the value of the conversion, remedial and specific test examination are intended to improve the final value of the specific course that is done by (1) following all academic activities related to the course in the semester in which courses that will be offered to be fixed. The remedial exam is intended for subjects with the highest value of C, while the final value will be taken from the best, (2) specific examinations for students that have accumulated 144 credits and the credits have completed the task but eventually earned a GPA of less from 2.00, (3) special exam for the course with maximum value of B+ and the value that can be taken at least C+ 6 credits.

The example of assessment can be seen in appendix 25. Every student’ results in every semester will be summarized in a transcript of the Study Result Card (Kartu Hasil Studi or KHS) (appendix 26). That is issued in each semester by the academic and this KHS is to determine/retrieve the number of credits in each course in next semester.  For more detail, it can be seen in faculty academic handbook (Appendix 11)