Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Ditulis pada 30 May 2016 , oleh labegov

The allocation proportion presented in table as follow:

Table. The Allocation Proportion of Assessment

No Criteria Weighing Assessment
1 Assignment 20%
2 Middle test 30%
3 Final test 50%
Total 100%

How to calculate GPA is by:



  • GPA     : Great point Average
  • K          : number of credits of each course
  • NA        : final score of each course
  • n          : number of course taken

The allocation proportion of assessment: 1) Assignment 20%this point including: presentation, discussion, quizzes, and also their attitude in the class; 2) Middle test 30% this point will conduct after 7 meeting in the class and be facilitated by faculty; and 3) Final test  50% this point will conduct after 7 meeting after mid test and be facilitated by faculty. The GPA will be posted on the KHS (study result score card) each student. Besides, the students can access through online on if they are not satisfied with the result of GPA, it is permitted to complaint to academic staff, then they will cooperate with related lecture. The problem is resolved clearly and it is not benefiting for one part only, it make win-win solution that beneficial for every part.