Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Ditulis pada 1 June 2016 , oleh labegov

Universitas Brawijaya always does their best to invest for upgrading the modern facilities & infrastructure. Every year there are regularly updated, maintained & repaired.

The lecture facilities (lecture halls, small course rooms) are adequate

Academic facilities & infrastructure includes classrooms, lecture-halls, seminar rooms, conference rooms, discussion/examination rooms, laboratories, libraries, medical facilities, research-center rooms and student dormitories. Generally, medical facilities & student dormitories are managed in UB level. Availability of classroom & supporting facilities are very adequate to support learning process. Facilities & infrastructure are sharing with Faculty of Administrative Science (FAS) and Universitas Brawijaya (UB).

FAS has 27 classrooms, each of them can be used for 50–70 students. There are a whiteboard, a LCD Projector, a slide projector, and one/two AC. The total of the area is up to 19,272m².Every lecture-hall, seminar room, and conference room are equipped with an AC &an LCD projector. Classrooms & lecture-halls generally managed at faculty, they also managed the schedule and sharing with another study program. PASP has its own buildings as a class facility to support other academic activities in a solid environment. That classroom in the buildings has been used for academic activities based on grouping and related function. PASP classroom spread in ten buildings started from A to G. And FAS will build a new building with 12 floors that will be finished around 2020.

The pictures of a classroom in this faculty can be seen in attachment 28 about infrastructures for academic activities managed by the faculty and UB itself. Every facilities and infrastructures in FAS has met the relevant requirement which is regulated in BAN-PT. Students in FAS also able to give their comments about facilities and infrastructure in EDOM.

The Library is Adequate and up-to-date

In FAS UB there is a reading area with width 30×30 that supported by AC and computer area:

  1. Main room to facilitate student who want to read a literature, scientific journal, magazine/newspaper and also Xerox service
  2. CD-ROM search room with one CPU and one online CD-Rom unit.
  3. Thesis reading area

The Laboratories are Adequate and up-to-date

There are 2 laboratories rooms at the FAS; each accommodates 30-40 students. The laboratories are: PKPMSI and English Lab. They are facilitated with sufficient equipment&managed on according to ISO 9001:2008 standards.

The average use of laboratories is 4hrs/day. It has one head of laboratory and secretary who responsible on it. The facilities in each laboratory are completely adequate, such asAC and a set of computer with updated software.To maintain facilities and infrastructures in laboratory, FAS provide the sufficient budget for laboratories. There is a budget 150.000.000 (IDR) each year for each laboratory.

 The Computer Facilities are Adequate and up to date

There is an adequate and up-to-date computer system in PASP. The computer rooms are established & updated in order to meet the increasing need in using information technology for teaching, learning and researching of lecturers and students as well. There are 2 rooms which are completed by hi-tech computers.

PPTI of UB having high responsibility to provide information&technology service. Nowadays, all campus areas connected through a Local Area Network (LAN) and Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) using various transmission media such as Twisted-Pair Cable (VTP/STP), optic fiber cable&wireless (Wi-Fi). Data transmission speed for internet access is up to 30 Mbps, while internet access is 300 Mbps. Application use are dBase, Clipper, Visual Basic, ASDP/PHP, MS-SQL Server 7.0 MySQL, MS Office, and other licensed Microsoft products. Other than that, PPTI made an Academic Information Systems (SIAKAD), Card of Study Plan (KRS) on-line. Other services are also being provided as resource sharing activities such as file and print sharing, Email, Web, Chat, Mailing List, Discussion Groups, Multimedia streaming, Video/Teleconference, VoIP/IP Telephony and voice mail. Student access on information is well facilitated through Student Cyber facilities that are spread out in several locations in campus area with a User Access Mechanism.

FAS have created an internet website ( The student and the academics can easily connect to the internet using Wi-Fi. 25 points hotspots are available around area. The network is managed by IT staff. The department is planning to develop the network, purchase new desk tops & re-new computers which are more than 4 years-old, increase the number of IP address, expand the accessibility of the hotspots and renewing the LAN cabling systems. Information on scholarship, job opportunities, research position, invitation to seminars and conferences are made available at department’s website. The department has sufficient communication facilities including telephones, fax, scanner&copier.

Environmental health and safety standards meet requirements in all aspects

Universitas Brawijaya and also PASP are completely full fill requirement in all aspect include environmental health and safety standards.UB has medical facilities (Polyclinic) for students & staffs at Soekarno Hatta Street near the campus that gives medical services. There are 5 rooms in the polyclinics which services by the doctor and supporting medical staffs. There is also has one ambulance unit. The polyclinic opens for students & public from 08.00 to 16.00 every working day. Effort in anticipating disasters had been done in the FAS. There are two stairs for evacuation lane and fire safety equipment. Environmental health & safety standards meet requirements in all aspect.To maintain health and safety system in FAS, there is a good supervisory system that implemented in FAS every month.