Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Ditulis pada 1 June 2016 , oleh labegov

PASP has identified all kinds of resources required in accordance with the competency of each individual (education, skills, or expertise) to ensure the availability of resources for the performance of an effective quality management system. To determine academic quality, not only by the availability of human resources lecturer, but also determined by other factors, including the quality and quantity of their graduation study program, lectures availability of infrastructure, education and non-education personnel and other supporting factors. Lecturer also very active in conducting research in public administration scope to support the curriculum. Meanwhile in PASP there are currently 74 Lecturer/Professor available consisting of 7 Professors, 27 Doctors and 40 Masters. The teaching method used is discussed in a team teaching according to their expertise. Therefore, the average of a team teaching per team is 4-6 people. Permanent lecturers are lecturers that appointed and placed as permanent personnel at the PASP. A lecturer can only be a permanent lecturer in one university and they have a job assignment about 36 hours / week. PASP’ lecturers are also given the opportunity to increase their knowledge and abilities. The developments that have been done by lecturer in PASP are:

  1. Task Learning Program to earn a doctoral degree.
  2. Activity experts / specialists as speakers in seminars / trainings, guest speakers
  3. Participation Activity Lecturer in Scientific Seminars / Workshops / Upgrading /Workshop / Exhibition / Exhibition / Demonstration Involving Experts / Expert of Foreign PT.
  4. Permanent Lecturer Experience as Expert / Consultant / Staff Expert / Resource.
  5. Membership at Organizations / Associations Professional and Scientific

That development has managed for them to become lecturers of PASP at various levels of achievement and events. The achievements include: research and community service.

Table. PASP academic staff Qualification

Category M F Total Percentage of PhDs
People FTEs*
Professors 6 1 7 7 100%
Associate professors 19 3 22 22 73%
Full Time lectures 30 14 44 44 16%
Part time Lectures 11 8 19 19 16%
Visiting professor/Lectures 13 1 14 3,6 79%
Total 79 27 106 95,6

Table. Lecturers and Students Ratio

Total FTE of teaching staff* Number of students Number of Graduates Number of Students per FTE of teaching staff Number of Graduate per FTE of teaching Staff
95,6 2096 431 21,92 4,50