Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Ditulis pada 30 May 2016 , oleh labegov

Students’ academic skills assessment aimed to determine the ability of students in taking an assessment and follow lectures a course with variety of techniques and ways the produce an objective assessment through structured assignments, midterms, final exams and practicum activities assessment. It is also seen the level of students participation in seminars, discussions which conducted especially by institutions or seminar that organized by parties outside the institution that is relevant to field of study pursued by the FAS UB students. In addition, the assessment is through field services program (Kuliah Kerja Nyata/KKN) and internship as part of the implementation. Structured activities in the assessment of academic skills of one course in a semester are done at least twice in a semester. Assessment through structured assignments (such as: presentation, discussion, quizzes), UTS, UAS and practicum test is intended to determine the final value (NA) with a particular weighting, in which the amount weight of each component is submitted to the lecturer of the course, it can be seen in faculty academic handbook on page 106.