Public Administration Program

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Ditulis pada 30 May 2016 , oleh labegov

Student evaluation Result every year can be seen in the following table:

Table. Student Evaluation Result

No Academic Year Credits
1 1 36-48
2 2 72-96
3 3 108-138
4 4 147

In each semester, students must have a minimum GPA of 2.00.If the GPA is less than that, the student gets the academic evaluation. This was stated in faculty academic handbook. (Appendix 11)

As the final project for the students of S1 degree, they must propose a thesis if they have met the requirements such as enlisted as students enrolled in the concerned academic year, having 110 credits of study, having minimum GPA of 2.00, having no final value E, the number of D does not exceed 10% from the total credit load or load cumulative study that must be taken and having completed all prerequisite courses for the PASP.

Beside thesis examination student must past at least 2 IC3 module and TOEIC/TOEFL with score no less than 450 (Appendix 23).