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Taxation National Curriculum Symposium

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As a relatively new field of knowledge in the Indonesian academic world, taxation does not yet have a curriculum guide that can be accepted and applied nationally. For this reason, the Fiscal Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia, collaborated with the Bachelor of Taxation Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, together Indonesian Fiscal and Tax Administration Association (IFTAA) held a "Symposium on the National Taxation Curriculum: Standardization of the National Taxation Curriculum and Accommodation of the Implications of PMK No. 111 concerning Tax Consultants for the Content of the National Taxation Curriculum”.

Discussion atmosphere at the National Taxation Curriculum Symposium
Ki-ka: Prof. Dr. Safri Nurmantu (Founder of IFTAA), Dr. MR Khairul Muluk (Deputy Dean III FIA), Budi Santoso, M.Si (Head of Regional Office DJP East Java III)

Held for two days on 2-3 September 2014 and took place in the Seminar Room of Building B FIA UB, 2nd floor, the event was opened by the Vice Dean 1 of FIA UB, Dr. Mr. Khairul Muluk. In his remarks, Dr. Muluk expressed his gratitude for the trust given to the FIA to organize this event. According to him, this event is very important for improving the KKNI-based curriculum. "This trust is very special considering that the Tax study program has just received accreditation for the first time since its establishment and immediately received a B rating," said this friendly lecturer.

Meanwhile, one of the founders of IFTAA, Prof. Dr. Safri Nurmantu, said that the curriculum that will be prepared needs to take into account the principles of "triple helix“. In fact, the current curriculum only links two of the three aspects of triple helix namely the relationship between the academic world and the tax office only. Apart from that, he advised that the curriculum must contain material about graduate behavior according to moral values. "Don't let it happen transfer pricing abuse as was done by the technology giant Apple which was successfully revealed by Australian Tax Office (ATO)," said Prof. Safri.

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The participants took a group photo

This event was attended by representatives from the academic world, including representatives from the University of Indonesia, University of North Sumatra, and Brawijaya University itself, from tax office officials, such as the Head of Regional Office of DJP East Java III, and practitioners from various tax consulting offices. (ALA)

(More photos can be seen at FIA UB Unofficial Facebook Pages)

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