That afternoon, Wednesday (15/2), FIA UB had special guests. Dozens of people with an average age of over 60 years were seen entering the Seminar Room, Building B, 2nd Floor. They were students of the UB class of 1964 Faculty of State Administration and Administration (FKK, old name of FIA) who held a reunion that day.
The senior citizens led by Prof. Dr. Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin, one of the retired professors of FIA UB, were welcomed directly by the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS. So that day became a special day because for the first time the reunion gathering event which was routinely held every month was held on their alma mater campus.

To open the event, Prof. Dr. Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin as the host said that he decided to hold the event at FIA UB with the permission of the Dean because he was unable to receive guests at his private residence. Sjamsiar said that he only lived together with his husband, so it was a bit of a hassle to prepare a place to receive guests with many people. "There are no maids at home, and my husband is at work. It's a reunion this time here (at FIA UB, ed.) which I consider as my second home," said Sjamsiar.
Meanwhile, the Dean Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono MS welcomed with open arms the presence of the 1964 FKK students. The dean even suggested that one day this 1964 class group would hold another reunion at FIA UB. "Come again sometime. We will welcome ladies and gentlemen," said the Dean who was accompanied that day by Ms. Rosadah Agustin (the Dean's wife) and the dean's assistants.
Among the invited guests, there are also several people who are often seen at FIA UB. Among them are Prof. Dr. Suhariyono (Professor of the Department of Business Administration), Prof. Arifin Ahmady (Former UB Rector), Drs Chalil Chalim Jusuf (Former Dean of FIA UB), and Drs Djanalis Djanaid (Former FIA UB Lecturer who now works as a motivator and trainers leadership).
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Article/Photo: Aulia Luqman Aziz