After being authenticated by the Directorate General of University (Dikti) in this semester, the Tourism Program of Administration Faculty in Brawijaya University (FIA UB) moves forward in preparation, one of which is curriculum. In that case, the study program under the department of business administration held a Curriculum Workshop of Tourism Program, in Wednesday (12/10).

The event that was organized in the Meeting Room of B building second floor in FIA UB, was attended by the Dean of FIA UB, Head and the Secretary of the Business Administration Department, Head and the Secretary of the Tourism Program, and the lecturers of the program. In his speech, the Dean, Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, congratulations for the authentication for this study program. He thought this program led by Yusri Abdillah, Ph.D was unique for its position under the department of business administration. “It's different with Tourism Program in any other universities that is usually under the department of culture or sort of, the orientation of our Tourism Program will be heading the perspective of industrial business,” as he described.

In the event that was held until the afternoon, the lecturers alternately expressed their ideas to develop the curriculum of Tourism Program. The event was closed by the deal of subject lists and the sum of required credits for the students. Afterwards, this program will hold a similar workshop by involving academics and practitioners of tourism in Indonesia. (ALA/FIA)