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3in1 Business Administration Study Program 2023

Topic: Developing, Managing and Using a Customer-Related Database to Build a Successful Analytical Customer Relationship Management Hello, Mafia!👋🏻 For those of you who can't wait to learn from these cool speakers, you can register to take part in the 3IN1 Administration Study Program Business! This event will be held on: 🗓️ 23 and 24 May 2023 ⏰ … Read more

Raising Startup Issues, FIA UB Summer Course Attended by Participants from 18 Countries

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) collaborated with the College of Business and Management Tarlac Agricultural University to hold a Webinar Series to share perspectives between Indonesia and the Philippines regarding startups by presenting 9 speakers from 3 countries. The event which was held from Monday to Thursday (15-18/05/2023) was packaged in the form of a Webinar Series: Summer Course with the theme “Startup 101: From Ideation to Fundraising and … Read more

FIA UB Inaugurates Collaboration with the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas

Today, the Dean of FIA UB Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D officially signed a cooperation agreement between the work unit he leads and the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN)/Bappenas. The agreement includes cooperation that can support the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, including apprenticeship and MBKM activities for students as well as the implementation of functional position training for ASNs in... Read more

FIA UB's Summer Course 2023 on Startup 101

OPEN INVITATION To: Higher education students across nations From: Universitas Brawijaya 🇮🇩 & Tarlac Agricultural University 🇵🇭 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to attend a SUMMER COURSE PROGRAM (Virtual) 2023 on the topic “Startup 101: From Ideation to Fundraising and Supporting Policies” Looking for ways to establish your own startup business this year? Our team of lecturers … Read more

Raising the Latest Education Issues, HIMADIKA Publishes Edu Magazine

Educational Administration Student Association (HIMADIKA) FIA UB publishes a magazine entitled "Edu Magazine". This is the first magazine issue in the history of the association. Therefore, the magazine was given the issue number Volume 1, Number 1, in 2023. To the Public Relations Team, Head of HIMADIKA for the 2022 period Ridho Rifki Fadillah said that this magazine was present as one of the program innovations … Read more

Dr Saparila Worokinasih and Dr Ika Ruhana Walk to FIA UB Academic Senate Chairs Through PAW

The Business Administration Department appointed Dr. Saparila Worokinasih, M.Sc. and Dr. Ika Ruhana, M.Si as a Candidate Member of FIA UB's Academic Senate Shifting Periodically as a representative of the Department of Business Administration. Both were determined through a deliberation among internal department lecturers which was held online on Wednesday (13/4). The selection of both is based on the selection process for Candidates for Members of the FIA Academic Senate … Read more

Providing Data Analysis Skills Students, LTAP Holds Data Analysis Software Training

The Educational Administration Technology Laboratory (LTAP) held data analysis training with the theme "Developing Research Skills by Using Data Analysis Software". The activity lasted for two days, from Thursday (13/4) to Friday (14/4). On the first day, participants will be given material about Bibliometrics, while the second day will be about Vosviewer. The entire agenda was held at the Educational Administration Technology Laboratory (LTAP) Building … Read more

Vote for Faculty Academic Senate Members, Dr Wike Outperforms Other Candidates

The Department of Public Administration has chosen Wike, M.Sc., DPA as a Candidate for a Member of the FIA UB Academic Senate Alternating Over Time. In the voting which was attended by 56 out of 67 lecturers from the Department of Public Administration, Thursday (13/4), the number of votes obtained by Wike (34 votes) outperformed the other two candidates, namely Dr. Alfi Haris Wanto, M.AP., MMG (11 votes) and Dr. … Read more

The Department of Public Administration will Select Representatives in the FIA UB Academic Senate

The Department of Public Administration will hold the Election of Faculty Academic Senate Members from Non-Professor representatives from the Department of Public Administration through the Inter-Time Alternation route. This election had to be held because a member of the senate who was sworn in in 2021, namely Dr. Romy Hermawan, M.Si, holds the position of Deputy Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs at the Vocational Faculty. Therefore, … Read more

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