Providing Data Analysis Skills Students, LTAP Holds Data Analysis Software Training

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The Educational Administration Technology Laboratory (LTAP) held data analysis training with the theme "Developing Research Skills by Using Data Analysis Software". The activity lasted for two days, from Thursday (13/4) to Friday (14/4). On the first day, participants will be given material about Bibliometrics, while the second day will be about Vosviewer. The entire agenda was held at the Educational Administration Technology Laboratory (LTAP) Building E, 8th Floor, FIA UB. Acting as presenters were Bayu Indra Pratama, SIKom., MA and Ardik Praharjo, S.AB., M.AB.

In his remarks, the Head of LTAP I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu S.AP., M.AP., Ph.D explained the background to holding data analysis training activities. According to him, the development of information technology requires us to update and learn new knowledge related to data analysis. This ability will be useful for carrying out research methods properly and correctly. "Hopefully this activity will not stop here, LTAP will also in the future support and provide services for practicum activities from the Education Administration course," said the alumni of Beijing Normal University.

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