The quiet week ahead of the 2014/2015 Even Semester Final Examination did not dampen the enthusiasm of FIA UB students to continue studying. As many as 120 students of the Bachelor of Taxation Study Program visited the Tax Service Office (KPP) of North Malang and Batu, Monday (8/6). In the event entitled "Tax Center Goes to Tax Office", the group was divided into two groups with each group consisting of 60 people and heading to the two tax offices at different locations. The event is part of the FIA UB Tax Center's annual work program to provide a different learning feel to students by going directly to the field.

Event Coordinator Kartika Putri Kumalasari revealed that this activity aims to introduce students to the working atmosphere at KPP. Students, said Kartika, can immediately see and learn the duties of work at the KPP, including how to get to work at the KPP, the requirements, and listen to the ups and downs of working at the tax office from its employees. "This activity can be a means to equalize perceptions between academics in the field of taxation and practitioners who work at KPP," added the lecturer in taxation who is affectionately called Tika.
Tika explained, during the visit, the group was warmly welcomed by each KPP head, both at the North Malang and Batu branches. The head of KPP, the group got a lot of insight about KPP, starting from its organizational structure, work system, coverage area, to the employee placement system. While at KPP, each group was also divided into small groups to visit each work unit at KPP. "In this way, now students can connect taxation theories learned on campus with practice in the field. We can also update our insights about the latest policies in the field of taxation," said Tika. (ALA/FIA, Photo Kartika for Public Relations)