Initiation of Establishment of Master and Doctoral Programs in Library and Information Science at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University

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On Tuesday 8 August 2023, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya held a meeting with Professors and Professors in the Field of Library and Information Science. The meeting which was held in the Meeting Room Floor 2 of Building B FIA UB aims to initiate the establishment of Masters and Doctoral Programs in Library and Information Sciences which will later be within the scope of the Department of Public Administration, FIA UB. Several important figures in the world of Library Science who also attended included Prof. Sulistyo Basuki, Ph.D from the University of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Jonner Hasugian, M.Si from the University of North Sumatra, Prof. Ida Fajar, Ph.D from Gadjah Mada University, Dr. dr. Luki Wijayanti, SS, M. Hum. and Utami Budi Rahayu Hariyadi, SS., M. Lib., M. Si. from the University of Indonesia, as well as Dra. Titik Kismiyati, M.Hum from National Library Main Librarian.

Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono., MS as a senior lecturer from FIA UB fully supports the establishment of Masters and Doctoral Programs in Library and Information Science. This idea was also supported by Arik Prasetya, S.Sos, M.Si, Ph.D as Deputy Dean I for Academic Affairs. "I propose that the establishment of the Masters and Doctoral Programs in Library and Information Sciences can be realized immediately, because this is an excellent opportunity for scientific development in this field." said Prof. Bambang in the heated discussion that was held this afternoon. "In the establishment of a new Study Program, what is most needed are 3 things, namely Human Resources, Curriculum, and Infrastructure. I think FIA UB already has it all." added Prof. Jonner replied to what was conveyed by Prof. Bambang.

Dr. Farida Nurani, S.Sos, M.Sc as Chair of the FIA UB Library Science Study Program was very enthusiastic about welcoming suggestions and input from various academics who attended this afternoon's meeting. He was of the opinion that this idea had been discussed before, so with strong input and encouragement from the Association, the establishment of Masters and Doctoral Programs in Library and Information Science at FIA UB could be realized immediately. (EP)

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