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US Librarian Gives a Public Lecture at Sarjana's Program in Library Science

(17/12) The Bachelor of Library Science Study Program today held a Guest Lecture with the theme "Best Practices of Libraries in the US and Asia". With Endry Putra, SIKom., MIKom as moderator, this time the Guest Lecture invited John Hickok, Public Services Librarian from California State University Fullerton. Dean of FIA UB, Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D., opened the event … Read more

Closing Ceremony of AQAS Online Site Visit for FAS UB Cluster II

(16/12) AQAS Online Site Visit series for FIA UB II Cluster has been completed. The international accreditation which was attended by the Bachelor of Education Administration Study Program, the Bachelor of Library Science Study Program, and the Masters Program in Higher Education Management was closed with the submission of general comments from the Panel of Experts. Representing the Experts, Prof. Ursula Georgy said that in general the management and facilities … Read more

Student Satisfaction Survey of Education Administration Study Program

As an effort to improve the FIA UB Educational Administration Undergraduate Study Program, a student satisfaction survey is needed related to Lecturer Teaching Performance, Academic Services, and Infrastructure. Student satisfaction is greatly influenced by the quality of service provided by the study program. Although temporarily impossible to achieve, efforts to improve satisfaction can be carried out with various strategies. There are several indicators for... Read more

Improving Literacy, Lecturers of Sarjana's Program in Library Science Holds the DOKAR Program at Library of Sumbergondo Village, Batu City

(7/12) FIA UB Library Science Study Program held a Lecturer Working Program (DOKAR) at the Sumbergondo Village Library, Batu City, East Java. This activity is in collaboration with the Library and Archives Office of Batu City and the Village Government of Sumbergodo Village of Batu City. In this program, the Library Science Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, sends a team of Lecturers to Work Together with students who co… Read more

FAS UB Secures An Agreement with Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia

(9/12) The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya held an MoA signing with the College of Computing, Informatics, and Media, Universiti Teknologi MARA (CCIM UiTM) on Friday (9/12/2022) at the Canseleri Building Campus Shah Alam Malaysia. It was seen that UiTM high officials were also present, such as the Dean and Assistant of Vice Chancellor, as well as FIA UB represented by the Dean, Chair of the Academic Senate, … Read more

Educational Administration Students Learns Public Relations Management at Jawa Pos Radar Malang

(30/11) Today as many as 20 undergraduate students of the FIA UB Educational Administration Study Program are visiting the Jawa Pos Radar Malang office. This visit was carried out in connection with the development of theory from the Educational Public Relations Management Course taught by Aulia Luqman Aziz, SS, S.Pd., M.Pd. The visit was received directly by the General Manager of Jawa Pos Radar … Read more

Working with Government of Batu City, Educational Administration Program Implements the DOKAR Program

(24/11) FIA UB's Educational Administration Study Program successfully held a Working Lecturer Program (DOKAR) with the theme of the activity "Intern Learning System Planning, Control and Evaluation of Digital-Based Education and Human Resources in the Batu City Government Environment". The Dokar was held in collaboration with the FIA UB Education Administration Study Program with the Development Administration Section of the Batu City Government. This activity features several… Read more

Schedule of Final Semester Examinations (UAS) Odd Academic Year 2022/2023 Undergraduate Program

The following is the Schedule for Odd Semester Final Examinations (UAS) for Academic Year 2022/2023 Undergraduate Program Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya: 2022 ODD UAS SCHEDULE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PROJECT LIBRARY SCIENCE PROGRAM ODD SCHEDULE OF 2022 ADMINISTRATIVE PROGRAM OF EDUCATIONAL STUDY PROGRAM BUSINESS ODD UAS SCHEDULE FOR 2022 TAXATION STUDY PROGRAM ODD UAS SCHEDULE … Read more

LEAT Discusses 'Kurikulum Merdeka' with Public Junior High School 1 of Batu

(28/11) The Educational Administration Technology Laboratory (LTAP) held a Focus Group Discussion with the school principal and the teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Batu at the school. Several lecturers and students participated in the activity, led by the Head of LTAP I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu, M.AP., Ph.D. In his remarks, Gede hopes that this activity can be an opening for the… Read more

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