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Global Entrepreneurship Research and Policy Conference 2013

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(Report by Mukhamad Kholid Mawardi, FIA UB lecturer from Washington DC, USA) Washington DC., FIA UB. The 2013 Global Entrepreneurship Research and Policy Conference is a forum where experts and researchers in the field of entrepreneurship and small businesses meet to present research and discuss policies related to the development of entrepreneurship and small businesses in the world. At the conference this time being held in Washington… Read more

Independent Learning Training “English Discoveries Online” (EDO)

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FIA UB, Event Committee. As part of an effort to improve the quality of students, as well as to commemorate the 53rd Anniversary of FIA UB, the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, held "'English Discoveries Online' (EDO) Independent Learning Training" on Friday, 18 October 2013. The training, which is actually a follow-up to online English learning collaboration between Universities … Read more

Tourism Business-style Cultural and Culinary Festival

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In the context of the 53rd Anniversary of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, the Tourism Business study program held the Brawijaya Culture and Food Festival. This activity was held at the FIA UB Basketball Court from Monday to Tuesday (21-22/10). This activity was officially opened by the Dean of FIA UB, Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS was witnessed by representatives of the Malang City Government, Government of … Read more

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EXPLOSION 2013 National Level Scientific Writing Contest

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FIAUB, Event Committee. On 19-21 October a national level scientific writing competition was held. LKTI is organized by HUMANISTIK (Student Association of Public Administration) FIA UB. This competition is called EXPLOSION (Exhibition of Public Youth Scientific Writing Competition). This year's LKTI raised the theme "Strategy to Accelerate Bureaucratic Reform". This event is directly supported by… Read more

FIA Panel Discussion: Good Bureaucracy, Based on Exemplary Individuals

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Bureaucratic reform actually aims to create a clean, competent and transparent bureaucracy. Clean from KKN and politics, and uphold the responsibilities assumed. But unfortunately nowadays, these things are decreasing along with the running of democracy in government. Bad behaviors, such as corruption, collusion, have become a culture that has been reflected in society. There is a saying that "money... Read more

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Shadow Puppet Performance of the 53rd FIA Anniversary

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In the context of the 53rd Anniversary of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, the Anniversary Committee held a performance of traditional shadow puppets with the play Wahyu Kaprajan which was staged on Saturday (19/10) at the FIA North Square. The one who was asked to be the mastermind was Ki dr. Djoko Santoso, MKes (FK), Ki Dr Riynato MHum (FIA) and Ki Surachman, SAP (FIA). The staging… Read more

From FIA FUN DAY 2013 to Healthy Walk for the 53rd FIA UB Anniversary

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FIA UB, Public Relations, A series of events in commemoration of the 53rd Anniversary of FI UB continues. On Saturday, 19 October 2013, from 09.00 to 15.00 the FIA Fun Day event was held. FIA Fun Day is a routine event held by the committee, alumni and the FIA academic community every year. The event was lively with events that… Read more

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UB Hosts 2013 Young Administrator Meeting

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Universitas Brawijaya (UB) is the host for the Meeting of Young Administrators throughout Indonesia. A total of 84 young administrators from 20 universities participated in this activity. This year's meeting carries the theme of Local Excellence-Based Development Policy. Chief Executive of Activities Afin Kurnia said to PRASETYA Online that this annual meeting had been held before 2005. The event moved from one university to another… Read more

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One Decade, HIMABIS Holds Bazaar

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The Business Administration Student Association (HIMABIS) Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) on Wednesday (25/9) held its tenth Anniversary (HUT). The event was filled with entrepreneurship bazaar activities involving students and the general public. Nindita Niken Palupi as Secretary of the Chief Executive said to PRASETYA Online that HIMABIS has passed a decade of its journey so it needs to be celebrated. “This morning's event… Read more

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