Brawijaya University Holds 3rd BICBATT, Shaping the Future of Business, Taxation, and Tourism

  Malang, October 24, 2024 – The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University (FIA UB) has once again successfully held a prestigious international conference, the 3rd Brawijaya International Conference on Business Administration, Taxation, and Tourism (BICBATT). In collaboration with the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE), this conference raised the central theme “SHAPING TOMORROW: ON BUSINESS, TAXATION, AND TOURISM”, which invited … Baca Selengkapnya

Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University Holds IACBE Region 10 International Conference, Invites Participants to Ignite Creativity in Business Education

Malang, October 23, 2024 – The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) has once again made an achievement by successfully holding a prestigious international conference, the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) Region 10. The event, which took place at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences UB, carried an interesting theme, “Igniting Creative Minds: Innovation and Imagination in Business Education”, which managed to attract the attention of … Baca Selengkapnya


Malang, September 21, 2024 – In order to improve cognitive development and character building through traditional games and arts, the Lecturer Team of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, held a Community Service activity at SDN 1 Kucur, Dau, Malang City. The educational activity carried out on September 20, 2024 also aims to reduce the dependence of elementary school students on the use of … Baca Selengkapnya

DDTC Wins 2 Tax Awards from International Institutions

LONDON, 18 SEPTEMBER 2024 – Indonesian tax consultant, DDTC, which is a strategic partner of Brawijaya University, won 2 tax awards at the event ITR Asia-Pacific (APAC) Tax Awards 2024. The award was given by the International Tax Review (ITR), an international institution based in London, UK.

The first award is Pro Bono Firm of the Year group Regional Awards (Asia-Pacific). The second award is Tax Dispute Firm of the Year group Jurisdiction Awards (Indonesia).

Representing the Founder of DDTC Darussalam and Danny Septriadi, Managing Partner of DDTC Consulting David Hamzah Damian received both awards in person at the peak night. ITR APAC Tax Awards 2024 at the Leonardo Royal Hotel Tower Bridge London, UK, Wednesday (18/9/2024). ITR Editor at Legal Benchmarking Group Thomas Baker said the victory over Tax Dispute Firm of the Year seen from the level of success of the company in resolving tax disputes in various sectors with an innovative approach.

"The ITR assessment or research process has been going on for quite some time and has involved many parties," said Baker. Then, ITR Editor at Legal Benchmarking Group Sam Sholli said the victory over Pro bono Firm of the Year seen from the company's commitment to maximizing the role of the profession in the field of taxation for the wider public. "By contributing to an ideal taxation system and eliminating information asymmetry in the tax community," said Sholli.

Founder of DDTC Darussalam said that winning this award is an international recognition of DDTC's consistency in living out its vision, carrying out its mission, and implementing the company's values for 17 years. DDTC's vision, mission and values is a balanced blend of commercial and non-commercial aspects. Moreover, Darussalam continued, all of the company's activities are based on the reality of the lack of a tax-literate society, low tax compliance and awareness, limited tax bases, and the limited number of tax experts. As a result, most of the client's earnings from professional services are also returned by DDTC to the community and stakeholders in the taxation sector, especially Indonesia. The two awards are proof that commercial and non-commercial aspects actually strengthen each other.

"We believe that a cycle that does not stop at the commercial aspect alone will actually create a better tax ecosystem because the tax consultant profession is noble and honorable (noble office). This award will spur DDTC to remain consistent on this path," he said. Concept noble office, he continued, starting from the assumption that in essence a profession is not only oriented towards profit, but also how to provide or dedicate one's expertise for tax purposes.

DDTC Founder Danny Septriadi said that all external parties of DDTC are clients. Therefore, DDTC has a professional responsibility to the tax community. Various products, services, or activities always focus on fulfilling this responsibility. "Hopefully this award can spur DDTC professionals to continue to contribute to coloring the world of Indonesian taxation," said Danny.

Key Achievements for DDTC

In line with Darussalam and Danny Septriadi, Managing Partner of DDTC Consulting David Hamzah Damian said the award Tax Dispute Firm of the Year And Pro Bono Firm of The Year both made important achievements for DDTC.

Tax Dispute Firm of the Year becomes proof for all DDTC professionals who provide maximum services and services to clients, especially related to support for tax dispute resolution to many companies in Indonesia. This award acknowledges the approach that DDTC has taken so far in handling tax dispute cases, namely by combining empirical experience, theoretical concepts, legal interpretation, and understanding of business transactions.

"Not only that, DDTC also prioritizes the credential aspect to build trust, both for taxpayers and tax authorities," said David. Then, the award Pro Bono Firm of the Year will encourage DDTC to continue to realize the company's vision and mission in building a tax-literate society and eliminating asymmetric information related to taxation.

In accordance with what Darussalam has said so far, pro bono is not an activity corporate social responsibility (CSR) or simply providing professional services for free. For DDTC, pro bono is a concrete form of living the vision and carrying out the company's mission. For information, ITR is a global news and analysis service provider that provides practical information on three main areas, namely direct taxes (direct tax), indirect taxes (indirect tax), And transfer pricing.

This award is the result of a ranking conducted by ITR. With independent research and coverage of the world's leading tax firms and practitioners, ITR strives to accurately compare tax firms and practitioners with their peers (peers).In ITR Asia-Pacific Tax Awards 2024, DDTC was also nominated in 12 categories. Of the 12 categories, DDTC entered 5 categories in the group Regional Awards at the Asia-Pacific level. In addition, of the 12 categories, 4 of them are categories in the group Individual Awards. In the Individual Award group, the Founder of DDTC Darussalam was nominated Tax Practice Leader of the Year.

DDTC's success in winning this award is not the first time. In 2021, DDTC won the Indonesia Transfer Pricing Firm of the Year. Then, in 2022, DDTC also won Pro Bono Firm of the Year at the Asia-Pacific level. *)

Revision of Odd Semester Midterm Exam Schedule for Academic Year 2024/2025

It is announced to students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, especially the Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Taxation, and Bachelor of Educational Administration Study Programs, that there are improvements related to several mid-semester exam schedules for several courses. Please note:

Announcement of Odd Semester Mid-Semester Exam Schedule (UTS) for Academic Year 2024/2025 Undergraduate Program

The following is the Odd Semester Mid-Semester Exam Schedule (UTS) for the 2024/2025 Academic Year for the Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University: Odd Semester Mid-Semester Exam Schedule for the 2024/2025 Academic Year, Department of Public Administration Odd Semester Mid-Semester Exam Schedule for the 2024/2025 Academic Year, Public Administration Study Program Odd Semester Mid-Semester Exam Schedule for the 2024/2025 Academic Year, Library Science Study Program Odd Semester Mid-Semester Exam Schedule for the 2024/2025 Academic Year, Educational Administration Study Program, Department of Business Administration Odd Semester Mid-Semester Exam Schedule … Baca Selengkapnya

ANNOUNCEMENT: Collection of Student ID Cards (KTM) for Class of 2023

It is announced to students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, Class of 2023 (Specifically BANK BCA), the collection of Student Identity Cards (KTM) can be carried out: Day / Date: During Working Days Time: 08.00 - 16.00 WIB (working hours) Place: Sub. Academic Section Room, Building B, 1st Floor, FIA UB Requirements: KTMS / SIAM … Baca Selengkapnya

FIA Wins 3 Categories of 2024 Giraffe Awards

  Malang, August 17, 2024 – The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University has won 3 (three) categories at the 2024 Giraffe Award event. This was announced in conjunction with the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia Ceremony, Saturday, August 17, 2024. The categories won by the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University include 1st Place for the Accreditation Achievement category … Baca Selengkapnya

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