Master of Business Administration Tracer Study Report for 2021 Graduates

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The 2023 Bachelor of Business Administration PS Tracer Study report contains data and analysis regarding the condition of alumni after completing studies in the Master of Business Administration, as well as feedback provided by FIA stakeholders. This Tracer Study activity aims to collect data about the type of work or business carried out by alumni, the extent to which the work is in accordance with their field of study, information about the company or business they are involved in, as well as input that can be used to improve learning in the Master of Business Administration at FIA UB .

Program Studi Magister Administrasi bisnis bersama Tim Tracer Study Departemen Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis menyelenggarakan kegiatan terkait Tracer Study yaitu penelusuran reguler melalui SINATRA UB. Kegiatan gathering tersebut menghasilkan beberapa masukan penting bagi kegiatan akademik di Program Studi Magister Administrasi Bisnis UB. Di sisi lain, kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari upaya penguatan jejaring alumni Program Studi Magister Administrasi Bisnis FIA UB dan penguatan kerjasama stakeholders.

The implementation of the Tracer Study this year of course still experienced many technical and skill obstacles. All obstacles have been identified and in the future it is hoped that they will be resolved soon so that we can carry out the Tracer Study more efficiently and effectively.

The complete report can be accessed via the following link:


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