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Library Science Students Become the Best Graduates in Graduation Period X Academic Year 2021/2022

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One of the students of the FIA UB Library Science study program again received an award as the best graduate of Universitas Brawijaya at the X period graduation which was held on Saturday (26/03) yesterday. The student is Erlinda Atna Mar'atussholihah, S.IP. Erlinda, who has studied Library Science since 2017 and achieved a GPA of 3.83, explained her reason for choosing the study program. "In my opinion, the Library Science Study Program is not just learning about the process of planning, building, processing, and developing knowledge and information, but can learn various kinds of disciplines that are managed in the world of libraries, don't hesitate to be part of library science, gradually we can become an Islamic scientist or other who is well-known and understands various sciences such as Ibn Sina, Al Farabi, Al Kindi, Al Khawarizmi, Al Battani, and others.

To other Library Science students, he also conveyed his impressions and messages with a quote that encouraged him while studying, namely "If We Never Try, We Will Never Know" (Rasyid, Mz). Erlinda hopes that in the future the Library Science Study Program can produce quality human resources, excel in all respects, and be able to compete with Library Science Study Programs from other universities. Hopefully Erlinda's achievements can be continued by other Library Science students and what has been achieved can be of benefit to themselves and everyone.

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