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Collaboration between FIA UB, FPPTI and ISIPII to Improve Higher Education Libraries

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Library and Information Science Study Program, UB's Faculty of Administrative Sciences, agreed to make an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Higher Education Library Forum (FPPTI) and the Association of Indonesian Library & Information Science Scholars (ISIPII).

The signing of the memorandum of understanding was carried out by UB Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR, MS, Chairman of the Central FPPTI, Imam Budi Prasetyawan, SS, and President of ISIPII, Farli Elnumeri, M.Hum. The activity took place in the Rector's Room, Floor 7, UB Rectorate on Monday (20/8).

Also present at the event were the Dean of the UB Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS and his staff. Prof. Bambang explained, this MoU aims to improve relations between FIA UB, FPPTI, and ISIPII in carrying out education, research and community service activities as well as development in other fields to improve related work programs.

He also added that the form of implementation of this collaboration was by holding the 2018 Indonesian Librarianship National Seminar and Workshop on September 5-7. This activity took the big theme “Information Governance; Institutional Connectivity, Public Information Disclosure and Knowledge Dissemination. While the sub-themes in this National Workshop and Workshop are Information Governance: Development of Information and Libraries in the Perspective of Public Administration, Scholarly Communications and the Open Access, Managing Institutional Knowledge and Transformation of Libraries & Information Institutions from Cost Centers to Value Centers.

“Semiloka Nasional ini akan menghadirkan pustakawan luar negeri, Nico Sandfuchs dari New Zealand Goathe Institut, Lilian Gasie, Asisten Director Library of Congress USA. Staf khusus Presiden RI, johan Budi pun turut menjadi keynote speaker dalam kegiatan nanti”, jelas Bambang Supriyono.

Apart from the National Seminar and Workshop, another important point in the collaboration was training for librarians to research about knowledge management implementation, design thinking for libraries And digital literacy & strategies for utilizing digital information sources.

"I hope that the collaboration and implementation will become support so that we can develop library science which can support research and university internationalization," he added.

Meanwhile, Chancellor Nuhfil conveyed his support for the upcoming National Seminar and Workshop activities, and hoped that this form of cooperation would always be sustainable.

"In the future, UB wants to bring it to the world level. The Library Science and Information Science Study Program has received A accreditation, but it must be upgraded to get international accreditation. It is also hoped that Library Science can accept foreign students," he explained.

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