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Founded FIA, Delegation of the University of Indonesia 'Studyed' at FIA UB

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Soon, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) will have friends in the development of administrative science in Indonesia. Yes, through a very long process and discussion, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) will soon be established, at least after receiving official approval from the Senate of the University of Indonesia on 20 November 2014 ago. That was conveyed by the Secretary of the Department of Administrative Sciences UI Drs. Muh. Aziz, M.Sc, while leading a group of lecturers who were the main figures behind the immediate establishment of FIA UI to FIA UB, Monday (8/12).

Rombongan FIA UI berdiskusi dengan pimpinan FIA UB
The FIA UI delegation had a discussion with the leadership of FIA UB

Aziz revealed that the establishment of FIA UI had been fought for years. Various obstacles and hurdles colored the journey. "One of them is the requirement from the UI Rector that FIA UI can be established if the UI Faculty of Economics changes its nomenclature to become the Faculty of Economics and Business," he said. Even though the process will continue, preparation for standing alone as an independent faculty needs to be prepared from now on. "That's why now we study first from our 'older brother'," he added.

The FIA UI delegation was welcomed by the ranks of the FIA UB Dean and the Heads of Departments, Secretary of the Department, Heads of Study Programs, and Secretaries of Study Programs within FIA UB. Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono shared a lot of tips on managing the faculty, including funding and preparing work programs. He explained that the principle of budget management in FIA UB is budget decentralization. “How much budget we will use depends on the needs of each department. Of course there are also tactical funds for unexpected things," he said.

Muh. Aziz (FIA UI, kiri), Prof. Bambang Supriyono (tengah), M.R. Khairul Muluk (kanan)
Muh. Aziz (FIA UI, left), Prof. Bambang Supriyono (center), MR Khairul Muluk (right)

Prof. further Bambang also said that each department in FIA UB has its own superior program. For example, the Department of Business Administration has held a Business Model Competition for the second time this year, which is not only for the development of scientific disciplines but also for network development. Then, the Department of Public Administration also compiled Public Policy Model. "The point is, FIA UB in 2015-2020 will move towards entrepreneurial And world class university,” he explained.

The event was then followed by a discussion and question and answer regarding faculty management. The discussion lasted quite a long time due to the many questions from the FIA UI group, until it continued after lunch in a more informal setting. (ALA/FIA)

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