FIA UB, Public Relations, The series of events commemorating the 53rd Anniversary of FI UB continues. On Saturday, 19 October 2013, from 09.00 to 15.00 the FIA Fun Day event was held. FIA Fun Day is a routine event held by the FIA committee, alumni and academic community every year. This event was lively with events that had been arranged carefully
Sunday evening, Saturday 19 October 2013 also witnessed the celebration of the 53rd Anniversary of FIA UB being held. It was recorded that two major events were held at once. The shadow puppet performance "Pentas Wayang Sejuta Dalang" on the FIA UB field and the Administration Festival (Adfest) entitled "Road to Jazz Jamboree" which was held at the UMM Dome became an event with its own market segment (Wayang - people who are fans of traditional arts and gathering with FIA senior leaders, as well as Adfest for alumni and young people) were both lively.
Sunday, October 20 2013, in the morning at 05.30 after the event in the evening, the FIA Kademika Community immediately returned to exercising by walking healthily together. After being released, the Dean, Mr. Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriono, MS, health walk participant FIA UB extended family: Lecturers, educational staff, invitees namely leaders in each faculty, retired FIA UB alumni, FIA UB students in Malang and in Kediri, PK2Maba "Android" committee, Activists of the Autonomous Institution Organization (LOF) within the FIA environment and their relatives were seen gathered, united, "tumpek blek" on the road together, carrying out a healthy walk with enthusiasm and full of family. By route: Universitas Brawijaya (FIA-Rectorate- FK-Jl. Veteran-Perum Complex. UB Lecturers (jl. Canal Cikampek / behind Matos- Jl. Cimacan _ sd Jl. MT Haryono and back again at the UB complex – and finish again at FIA UB, the big family of FIA UB looked sweaty but happy after being back in the FIA UB environment.
Various dishes ranging from pecel rice, gado-gado, yellow rice, noodle dumplings, crispy chicken were prepared by the committee as food for this celebration. By eating together with family in every corner at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University. Furthermore, various interesting events began with prayers to the Prophet Muhammad SAW and continued with Door Prize distribution events which were always awaited by the FIA UB academic community. Glory to FIA UB! (Public Relations / SP) .