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Tourism Study Program Student Publishes Wellness Tourism Book

Three students of the FIA UB Undergraduate Tourism Study Program, Dwi Mauliddia Rosi Ardiyanti, Farida Rahmah, and Atikah Muamar Luqyanabillah, were actively involved in compiling a book published by the Culture and Tourism Office of Banyuwangi Regency. The book entitled "Wellness Tourism Ijen Geopark" tells and promotes the existence of the Ijen Geopark tourist area to carry out activities ... Read more


The Ministry of Student Empowerment (PM) BEM FIA UB 2022 on 26 February 2023 yesterday successfully held the Spekta Kreasi 4.0 event. The event which took place at Graha Cakrawala Malang State University presented several well-known artists, such as HIVI, D'Masiv, Sal Priadi, Reality Club, and several other local bands. The purpose of Spekta Kreasi 4.0 is to give appreciation... Read more

New Students of 2022 Inaugurated from the PKKMB

(27/11) UB FIA Student Affairs held the Inauguration of PKKMB. This activity marks the end of the new student orientation period for the 2022/2023 academic year. The activity which was centered at the UB Sport Center was attended by all new students. In addition to the symbolic closing by the Deputy Dean III, the event was also enlivened by the awarding of the best freshmen group. Several student talents and… Read more

Brawijaya Culture & Food Festival

Culture is an intellectual property that is owned with the hope that it can be preserved from generation to generation. Efforts to preserve culture for the younger generation continue to be encouraged in various ways such as introduction through digital media, performances, and also academically. One way of preserving this is through performances which are usually held by various parties who have a desire for cultural preservation. … Read more

Announcement Regarding Payment Procedures Through Virtual Accounts

Finance Subdivision Services for Students in 2022 Information on Payment Guide via Virtual Account: UB VA Payment Guide – 89118 bank Mandiri, please click here BRIVA Payment Guide, please click here VA BNI Payment Guide, please here Virtual Account Code Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya is as follows:

Announcement of Judicial Registration for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs for the Period of 30 December 2021

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In connection with YUDISIUM for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya for the period December 30, 2021, all prospective Yudisum participants will be informed about the following matters: 1. Registration for UPLOAD and VALIDATION (online) no later than : Day : Monday Date : December 27, 2021 At … Read more

Announcement of the Yudisium for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs Period 25 November 2021 Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya

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The following are the names of Yudisium participants for the November 25 2021 period for the Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral levels of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences: LIST OF NAMES OF YUDISIUM PARTICIPANTS FOR THE PERIOD OF NOVEMBER 25 2021 Relating to SKL (Certificate of Graduation) and Temporary Transcripts will be sent via e-mail of yudisium participants or if necessary sent via correspondence address . Therefore, it is requested that yudisium participants be able to complete … Read more


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Related to the Instruction of the Chancellor of Brawijaya University Number: 6295 of 2021 Dated July 4, 2021 Regarding Office Activities during the implementation of restrictions on emergency community activities (Corona Virus Disease 2019). For the time being, do not serve applications for legalization directly to the Faculty until July 20, 2021 or follow further announcements. For students who need to legalize a diploma, they can send… Read more


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ANNOUNCEMENT No. 1122/ UN10.F03.05.01/PP/2021 FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS OF BRAWIJAYA UNIVERSITY RECTOR NO.497/UN10/TU/2021 REGARDING LIMITATIONS OF CAMPUS ACTIVITIES IN UNIVERSITY OF BRAWIJAYA, inform guests from outside Universitas Brawijaya (UB ALUMNI) who will take diplomas, Transcripts, Legalized, etc., MUST show evidence of Antigen Swab Test results from a competent institution. Thus this announcement, and it is important for students to become... Read more

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