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Library Science Students Become the Best Graduates in Graduation Period X Academic Year 2021/2022

One of the students of the FIA UB Library Science study program again received an award as the best graduate of Universitas Brawijaya at the X period graduation which was held on Saturday (26/03) yesterday. The student is Erlinda Atna Mar'atussholihah, S.IP. Erlinda, who has studied Library Science since 2017 and achieved a GPA of 3.83, explained her reason for choosing this program... Read more


[:en] Hello Young CEO! They say if you have a business you have to do branding, but can you brand yourself? Do you sell yourself? Ett.. don't sell yourself!! One of them is that we can personal branding through interviews! WOW! What a coincidence that Ei Lab is holding a webinar that discusses personal branding in Career Insight With Alumni with the theme "Be ... Read more


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ANNOUNCEMENT No. 1122/ UN10.F03.05.01/PP/2021 Following up on the INSTRUCTIONS OF THE RECTOR OF BRAWIJAYA UNIVERSITY NO. 497/UN10/TU/2021 CONCERNING RESTRICTIONS ON CAMPUS ACTIVITIES IN THE UNIVERSITY OF BRAWIJAYA, this was informed to guests from outside Universitas Brawijaya (UB ALUMNI) who will take their diplomas, Transcripts, legalization, etc., MUST show proof of Antigen Swab Test results from a competent institution. That is this announcement, and it is important for students to be... Read more

Announcement of Period I Graduation Re-registration for the 2020/2021 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT Due to the current condition of the Covid-19 pandemic, for the collection of re-registration files (validated graduation requirements for those who have registered during the graduation period) Period I FY2020/2021 : Day : Monday - Friday Time : 08.00 - 16.00 WIB For Graduation Registration (new) can via e-mail for submitting files for re-registration of graduation must fill in the link … Read more

Announcement of Re-registration of Period XII Graduation Participants for the 2019/2020 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT Due to the current condition of the Covid-19 pandemic, for the collection of re-registration files (graduation requirements that have been validated for those who have registered during the graduation period) Period XII 2019/2020 Fiscal Year : Day : Monday - Friday Time : 08.00 - 16.00 WIB For Registration Graduation (new) can be via e-mail for submission of graduation re-registration files, you must fill in … Read more


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ANNOUNCEMENT Due to the current condition of the Covid-19 pandemic, registration for graduation and collection of re-registration files (validated graduation requirements for those who have registered during the graduation period) for the 2019/2020 academic year can be served online on: Day : Monday - Friday Time : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB For Graduation Registration (new) via e-mail … Read more

Announcement of Period VI Alumni Raising for Academic Year 2019/2020

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 15477/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2019 FIA-UB ALUMNI RELEASE Period VI of 2019/2020, held on: Day, Date: Friday, December 13, 2019 Time: 18.30 WIB Place: Hall, 4th floor of the building A FIA UB Clothing: Batik REQUIRED ATTENDANCE OF PROSPECTIVE ... Read more

Inauguration of the Laboratory Celebrates the 58th Anniversary of FIA UB

The highlight of the 58th Anniversary of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) was successfully held with a lively Healthy Walk, on Sunday (14/10/2018). The event was attended by the UB Rector's Board of Directors, Deans and FIA staff, students and alumni and several companies involved in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in building facilities. As UB Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR., MS., … Read more

Talkshow with Alumni and Doctoral Program Students of FIA UB at Jakarta Marketing Week 2017

In holding the 2017 Jakarta Marketing Week, FIA UB really went all out in filling in the sessions provided by MarkPlus Inc as the organizer. After delivering the material by the Secretary of the Department of Business Administration, Mohammad Iqbal DBA, FIA UB invited three people from the alumni and doctoral program students to the main stage. They are Sunu Widyatmoko (alumni, former CEO … Read more

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