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Opening of LAMDIK Field Assessment for Educational Administration Study Program

Educational Administration Study Program on Friday 24 February 2023 held a Field Assessment to obtain A or Superior Accreditation status. In the presence of Prof. Dr. Lantip Diat Prasojo, M.Pd (Yogyakarta State University) and Dr. Dedy Achmad Kurniadi, M.Pd (Indonesian Education University) as the Assessor team from LAMDIK. In his remarks, the Chancellor of Brawijaya University Prof. Widodo, S.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.Med.Sc said... Read more

Performance Achievement Report of the Education Administration Study Program

As an effort to improve the FIA UB Educational Administration Undergraduate Study Program, it is necessary to report on performance achievements. Achievement Report on the Performance of the FIA UB Education Administration Study Program is carried out by forming a Compiler team and the implementation time is carried out periodically. Then identify, and collect data and verify the data that has been collected. And followed by a presentation of progress in the departmental coordination meeting with... Read more

LAMDIK Field Assessment's Rehearsal for Educational Administration Study Program

The Undergraduate Education Administration Study Program (PSAP) continues to finalize preparations ahead of the Field Assessment by LAMDIK. The plan is for the assessment to be carried out on Friday-Saturday, 24-25 February 2023. Two assessors will attend, each Prof. Dr. Lantip Diat Prasojo, M.Pd (Yogyakarta State University) and Dr. Dedy Achmad Kurniady, M.Pd (Indonesian University of Education). The two assessors will conduct an assessment of several aspects, ... Read more

Initiation of Collaboration with Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

FIA UB held a "Discussion Initiation for Academic Collaboration" with the Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. The activities which were carried out online were attended directly by the ranks of the dean, department heads and secretaries, the International Relations Office of FIA UB, and lecturer representatives. Meanwhile, from Chulalongkorn University, Bhanubhatra "Kaan" Jittiang as Assistant Dean for International ... Read more

Simulation of LAMDIK Visitation by Educational Administration Study Program

The Bachelor of Education Administration Study Program (PSAP) is preparing steps towards re-accreditation of study programs. The plan is for the accreditation visitation to be carried out by LAMDIK to be held on Friday-Saturday, 24-25 February 2023. Two LAMDIK assessors will be present at FIA UB, namely Prof. Dr. Lantip Diat Prasojo, ST, M.Pd (Yogyakarta State University) and Dr. Dedy Achmad Kurniady, M.Pd. (University of Education… Read more

FIA UB Starts Undergoing AQAS Cluster 13 Visitation

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) for four days, Monday-Thursday (6-9/2/2023) underwent the accreditation process from AQAS (Agency for Quality Assurance by Accreditation of Study Programs). AQAS itself is an independent study program quality assurance institution based in Germany. This institution is one of the international accreditations recognized by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. There are seven FIA study programs… Read more

Increase Competencies of Graduates, Department of Public Administration Stakeholders Input Network

The Department of Public Administration held a national workshop entitled "Network Information on Market Needs (Market Signals) in the framework of Curriculum Reconstruction". The event, which was centered in the Hall of Building A, 4th floor, was attended by a number of internal department stakeholders and lecturers. Stakeholders who attended consisted of elements from government institutions, the private sector, academia, and the mass media. In his remarks, the Dean of FIA UB … Read more

Market Requirement Information Networking Workshop

Workshop on Information Networking Market Needs (Market Signal) for Public Administration Undergraduate Study Program, Master Public Administration Study Program, and Doctoral Administration Science Study Program with interest in Public Administration  

Director of Indonesia's National Archive Visits Archive and Administration Gallery of FAS UB

(22/12) FIA UB Administration and Archives Gallery which is under the coordination of PSIK FIA UB, received an honorary visit from the Head of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) Drs. Imam Gunarto, M. Hum. and Main Secretary of ANRI Rini Agustiani, M.AP who was accompanied by the Dean, Chair of PSIK, Head of Library Science Study Program at FIA UB on the sidelines of attending the National Seminar at UB. … Read more

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