MMPT Study Program News



In order to fulfill the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) criteria in the Master of Higher Education Management Study Program curriculum (PS

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a Leadership Meeting. The activity was attended by all units

Takmir Mushola Baitul 'Alim FIA UB and FORKIM hold routine activities every week, namely Inspirational Studies

(16/12) The AQAS Online Site Visit series for FIA UB II Cluster has been completed. International accreditation

(21/11) FIA UB Higher Education Management Masters Program held a 3 in 1 Program with the theme "The

Following are the names of Yudisium participants for the January 6 2022 period for the Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral levels of the Faculty of Science

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