Towards OBE, MMPT Masters Program Review Curriculum

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In order to fulfill the Outcome-Based Education criteria (OBE) in the curriculum of the Higher Education Management Masters Study Program (MMPT PS), it is necessary to review all the material taught in the MMPT PS. The aim is to ensure that all the material taught is still relevant and can equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills for a career in Higher Education Management.

In this curriculum review activity, the MMPT Study Program involved academics and several experts in the field of Education Management from universities and educational institutions. In this activity, there was a lot of input and suggestions about what courses and materials to add or remove in the curriculum, as well as about what technologies are being developed and need to be integrated into the curriculum.

This activity is part of the 2023 MMPT PS work program and also an effort to update the curriculum and ensure that the MMPT PS remains relevant to the latest developments in Higher Education Management. In addition, the MMPT PS curriculum review activity is also a commitment from the Study Program Leaders to improve the quality of education and prepare the younger generation to face challenges in the Information Technology and digitalization era. With this activity, it is hoped that the MMPT Study Program can continue to grow and become the best at the national and international levels.

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