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Library Science PS Assessor: The Need for Librarians is Always High, There Are No Unemployed Alumni

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The FIA UB Library Science Study Program was visited by a team of assessors from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) as one of the stages of obtaining national accreditation scores, Monday (27/7). The assessor team representing BAN-PT is Drs. Prahastiwi Utari, Ph.D (Sebelas Maret University) and Dr. Funny Mustika Sari Elita, M.Sc (Padjadjaran University). Located in the Seminar Room, Building B, Floor … Read more

Halal Bihalal Big Family of Administrative Sciences Faculty of Brawijaya University

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In order to celebrate the victory on Eid al-Fitr 1436 H, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a "Halal Bihalal of the FIA UB Big Family". The event which was attended by the big family of FIA UB—both active and retired lecturers and education staff—was held in the Hall of Building A, 4th Floor, Thursday (23/7). This event begins… Read more

Ust. Farid Hamidy: Don't Fail Our Ramadan with These Ten Factors

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The month of Ramadan is a glorious month that is always awaited by all Muslims around the world. In that month, Allah SWT opens the door of His mercy and forgiveness as wide as possible so that the slightest good deed will get a double reward when compared to the months outside of Ramadan. However, there are at least ten factors that can frustrate… Read more

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BAN-PT Visitation for Tourism Study Program, Assessor Team: We are Satisfied

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The Tourism Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), underwent a field visitation process by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT), yesterday (29-30/6). The visitation was carried out through two assessors from BAN-PT, namely Dr. Indi Djastuti, MS (Diponegoro University) and Dr. Diena Mutiara Lemy, A.Par., MM (Pelita Harapan Tourism College). In general, the visitation process runs... Read more

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FIA UB Develops Innovative Village Concepts Ahead of MEA 2015 Through Expert Discussions

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Ahead of the implementation of the 2015 ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), Indonesia has begun preparing carrying capacity that can provide optimal benefits in the cross-border trade agreement. One way is to increase the role of villages in national development. It is known that the majority of Indonesia's productive age population resides in villages, so that villages become one of the important pillars of strengthening the economy to take part in... Read more

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FIA UB Ranked First in UB's Quality Internal Audit Results 2014

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) was ranked first in the Internal Audit of the Quality of the Academic Implementing Work Unit (AIM UKPA) Cycle 13 of 2014. The results of the internal audit conducted by the UB Quality Assurance Center (PJM) stated that FIA UB had fulfilled a total of 89% of the 61 quality standard items set by UB, some in … Read more

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Sofyan Agus Saputra, Best FIA UB Graduate at the Release of Period IX Graduates 2014/2015

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held an event "Departure of Period IX Graduates of 2014/2015 Academic Year", Saturday (13/6). The event which was held after the UB graduation procession which took place in the Hall of Building A, 4th floor of FIA UB was attended by all graduates from FIA UB along with the invitees consisting of faculty heads, heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of ... Read more

Compiling the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan, FIA UB Holds Workshop I on Strategic Plan Preparation

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In the context of preparing the Strategic Plan (Renstra) of FIA UB for the 2016-2020 period, FIA UB held "Workshop I Strategic Plan 2016-2020: Evaluation of Achievements and SWOT Analysis", Thursday (11/6). At the event which took place in the Meeting Room of Building B, 2nd Floor, all elements of the faculty leadership were present, including heads of departments, heads of study programs, and heads of study centers in the environmen… Read more

Connecting Theory with Practice in the Field, Taxation Study Program Students Visit the Malang Raya Tax Service Office

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The quiet week ahead of the 2014/2015 Even Semester Final Examination did not dampen the enthusiasm of FIA UB students to continue studying. As many as 120 students of the Bachelor of Taxation Study Program visited the Tax Service Office (KPP) of North Malang and Batu, Monday (8/6). In the event entitled "Tax Center Goes to Tax Office", the group was divided into two groups with each … Read more

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FIA UB Student Team Wins 1st Place in Honda WOW Case Competition 2015

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In the final round of the Honda WOW Case Competition, Wednesday (27/5), a team of FIA UB students fronted by Puspa Ratnaningrum, Muhammad Nur Ilham, and Allisya Puspita Dewi (all three from the Department of Business Administration) managed to make history as 1st Winner. This event is a series of "Indonesia Marketers Festival" events in collaboration between Astra Honda Motor and MarkPlus, Inc. … Read more

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