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Tax Study Program Discuss Tax Amnesty with the Government and Practitioners

FIA UB Tax Study Program organizes two national scale activities consecutively. The first is the National Seminar on "Tax Rate Competition in Global Competition" on Wednesday (5/10), and the second is the Limited Discussion "Tax Amnesty: Momentum Towards Strengthening Indonesia's Tax System" on Thursday (6/10). At the National Seminar on "Tax Rate Competition in Global Competition", the topic raised was... Read more

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Schedule of 2016 FIA UB Alumni Gathering Series

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Dear FIA UB ALUMNI throughout the country Based on the latest decision of the leadership of FIA UB regarding the 2016 FIA UB ALUMNI TEMU, the following is the latest schedule of the activity: Saturday & Sunday 15-16 October 2016 Starting at 09.00 WIB As previously planned, the series of activities consisted of : 1. National Seminar: Re-actualization of the Role of … Read more

FIA UB Holds a National Seminar on Media Politicization

Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a National Seminar entitled "Digitalization, Commodification, and Politicization of Media Information" at Savana Hotel, Thursday (15/9). The event which is included in the series of commemoration of the 56th FIA UB Anniversary was held thanks to the collaboration between FIA UB and the National Press Monument, an institution that stands under the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia. Present … Read more

BPP FIA UB Holds Proposal Selection for Faculty Research Grants

In the midst of the Dean's Cup event where some of the participants were students, FIA UB lecturers were also enjoying the atmosphere of competition. A total of 25 teams of lecturers from the Department of Public Administration and the Department of Business Administration took part in the research proposal selection held by the Research and Community Service Agency (BPP) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), Thursday (8/9). From … Read more

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Opening of the Dean's Cup 2016

In the framework of the 56th Anniversary, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held the 2016 Dean Cup. A series of activities in the academic, sports and arts fields have been prepared to enliven the Dean Cup which was held for the first time. The branches that are contested include: Band Competition, Dance Competition, Volleyball Competition, Futsal Competition, Badminton Competition, Basketball Competition... Read more

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National Seminar on Digitalization, Commodification and Politicization of Media Information

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Dear Activists and Observers of Media, Public Relations, and Communication Studies Students In the context of the 56th Anniversary of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), in collaboration with the National Press Monument (Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia), we hereby invite you to attend the "Seminar National: Digitalization, Commodification and Politicization of Media Information”, which was held on: Day/date : Thursday, 15 September … Read more

Socialization of TurnItIn Application by Head of UB Library

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a "Socialization of TurnItIn Online Application Utilization", Friday (2/9). The event, which was coordinated by the Center for Information Systems, IT Infrastructure and Public Relations (PSIK) FIA UB, was centered in the Computer Laboratory Building A, 3rd Floor. The socialization was directly guided by the Head of UB Library Unit, Johan AE Noor, M.Sc., Ph.D. To the participants consisting of… Read more

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Opening of PK2MABA FIA UB 2016

During their studies at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), students are actually carrying out the mandate from their parents at home to achieve success in life. Therefore, students are asked to always keep in mind the dream of succeeding accompanied by noble character. That is the message conveyed by the Dean, Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS … Read more

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AUN-QA Visitation for the Public Administration Study Program

Public Administration Study Program (PSIAP) FIA UB starts a visitation schedule to get international accreditation today, Tuesday (23/8). The visitation was carried out by the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) to find out whether the implementation of education at PSIAP and at the same time at FIA UB truly meets international standards at the ASEAN level. On this occasion, AUN-QA was represented by two … Read more

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